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"I would like to congratulate you on the success of your past mission and express my great relief that you're safe. With the recent information gained on said mission, we can now confirm that this enemy is much stronger than we first anticipated." She stood tall, facing the seven girls that looked at her cautiously. Faragonda walked out from behind her desk, the modern outfit revealing itself on her body.

With a snap of her fingers, the room went dark, beams of light circling. A glowing screen appeared behind them, "sixteen years ago, the entire dimension of Magix was on the brink of destruction. A dark and evil power had emerged from the void and this was the result" she gestured to the screen as a video of Domino being destroyed made itself clear. Fire and smoke filled the view as screams for help followed.

"But it was the three old witches who destroyed Domino, our planet...isn't that what you told us?" Bloom walked closer to Ares as she held her arms over her body.

"Yes, but in truth, they were just carrying out the orders of the shadow creature, who had managed to recruit the help of those witches. Today it has the support of the Trix, it seems history is beckoning to repeat itself." She snapped shutting off the screen, quickly moving her eyes from Bloom to Ares then to Aisha as she stood waiting to be called on.

"Does this mean the monster that did that also kidnapped the pixies?" She held tightly to Piff as she slept. "Yes, but it seems that's not the only problem we have, as some of you know...Ares's powers source from the magic power of the Shadow Phoenix. Long ago, a portion of the Phoenix's power was stripped away as punishment for its crimes against the dimension. Trusted in the hands of the king and queen of Domino, it became the destiny of their second eldest daughter to wield this power to keep it safe from lord Darkars claws. But when domino was attacked, Ares powers weren't completed." She paused as wide eyes turned to Ares, hers stuck in the same position.

"What's does this mean?" Bloom looked to Ares for the answer to a question she didn't know herself. "Why didn't you tell me, what else am I missing?" Ares uncrossed her arms as her voice gained volume.

"It means that you haven't even half of the abilities that pertain to you, the Shadow Pheonix is on par with the Great Dragon. Though the one who holds its power is weakened due to a portion of it being stored within you." Ares held a plain stare at the ground as Faragonda continued.

"It won't be till either of you are killed, that the other gets full reign on the power of the Shadow Phoenix". She finished lightly, the others turning to Ares as she grew nauseous. "I'm gonna be sick" she raised her hands to her mouth before running out the door, speeding through the hallway to find the closest restroom. Slamming inside a stall before her lunch came back up, she rinsed the inside of her mouth at the sink. Looking up at herself in the mirror, mascara running down her face as her nose and cheeks turned red. Quickly pulling out her phone to call Cyprian, picking up after two rings.

"I was just about to call you" his happy greeting lightly paused at the sound of her sob "What's wrong? is everything alright?" He spoke stiffly and quickly as yells echoed from the background. "Everything is fine I just thought I would feel better if I heard your voice" she sniffled lightly before whipping her nose. "Are you crying?" His voice went deeper, lightly spooking her as shivers ran down her spine as she quickly spoke up. "Well I was, I just...I found out something and I'm not sure how to take it" she laughed lightly before taking a deep breath in.

"I'm coming to pick you up, be there in 20" he spoke bluntly before hanging up, Ares looking down at her phone for a second before going up to her dorm to change. Passing multiple side-eyes on the way.

She washed her face and brushed her teeth before reapplying light makeup, slipping on a black turtleneck to tuck it into a pleated skirt, slipping a comfortable jacket over the simple shirt seconds before putting on some black heeled boots. She walked towards the exit of her room, turning to her sleeping pixie as she shifted awake. "Sorry to wake you Blinky, I'm going out for a while but I'll bring you some cake" she smiled lightly at the sight of her pixies excitement. She excused herself through the large doors, leaving her dorm.

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