𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭

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"Ares, what were you thinking!" Saul paced at the front of Faragondas office, both Ares and Faragonda watching him as he scolded the girl "Mr. Saul I said it was an accident. I saw something in those monster's eyes." She tried to explain, slightly flinching at the pain of her bandaged arm.

"Ares, what do you mean?" Faragonda shutting down the yelling teacher with the question. "Before this happened" she gestured to her arm quickly noting the silence coming from Saul. "It's like the monsters, didn't want to hurt me..." Saul stopped his pacing, looking to the girl. Faragonda doing the same before taking a deep breath.

"You may go, Ares, you are excused from the upcoming project and are prohibited from using your magic for the next three days" Ares groaned before she continued "ask the nurse to heal that up, and have a nice day" Faragonda instructed, Ares simply nodding before leaving Faragonda and Saul to talk. She walked down the quiet halls, looking for the nurse.

"Ares! How are you sweetie-" the sweet nurse turned to the opening door, screaming as she made eye contact with the blood leaking scar.

"What happened to you?!" She ran up the girl, clutching her by the arm before dragging her to the examining table. Practically throwing her on the table before examining the surrounding tissue.

Ares stayed quiet as the woman seemed very intrigued, saying she could only heal it to a certain degree. "There will be a rather large scar, it will slowly fade of course but you understand." She spoke lightly before casting a charm on the girl. The skin slowly reconnecting as it rendered her arm to the same state it was the day prior, a scar slightly texturing her skin as she looked at it in awe.

She had healed scars like that before, but she's never seen it without black sheets of magic covering it.

"Thank you so much" she hugged the lady as she laughed, pushing back her round glasses on her nose bridge. She let go of the hug, crossing her doctors coat over her simple black gown. "Any time dear, try not to get hurt like that again" she chuckled as Ares skipped out of the room.

She passed students that lent her bright smiles, having slept with a bloody arm last night all she wanted was a good meal and an even better rest. She walked into the cafeteria, eyes catching on the girls who sat eating their breakfast.

"Guys, we totally need a break" Aisha chewed on a cookie as she met eyes with Ares "she got a break!"

"Aisha, I was almost killed, it's just a little bit different" she sat beside the girl as she laughed nervously. "Are you suggesting we skip school?" Stella asked after welcoming Ares with a hug.

"Well it's not the worst idea, I just don't want to upset Mrs. Faragonda" Bloom picked at her food, the girls agreeing before continuing their convince. "What I want, is to go dancing" Aisha swayed to the silence as Musa came up from behind her "dancing sounds fun" Aisha jumping from the sudden voice.

"Where's Tecna?" Bloom looked up at the blue-haired fairy, "at breakfast with Timmy" she replied quickly before sitting down, pulling out a stack of letters. "Getting up late and wearing almost nothing is no way for a lady to act!" Tune pointed out with a sigh, looking to Musa's rather "rugged" outfit. A large t-shirt over plain shorts.

"Calm down, I went to get out mail" she handed each girl a letter, Ares raising her brow as she received a white envelope. Blue wax sealing reminding her of Cyprian as the stamper left a "C" imprint in cursive.

"Who's it from?" Bloom looked to her sister as she opened her own letter, "Cyprian, his phone was confiscated so he's been sending me letters" she chuckled at his efforts before all the girls shared a sarcastic "awe" in response.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now