𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐩𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐱

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"You guys seriously broke into his room?" The four girls nodded, Ares gripped her hair before asking "and you attacked him?" they nodded again. She fell back in her chair, growing a headache at her friend's idiocy.

"Ares I get you to have questions, but we're starting self-defense today and we're gonna be late" Musa spoke up as the others got themselves ready, Ares lifted herself from the couch before following her friends out of the room. Each girl ensuring that she wouldn't be punished for their actions "all alright, but try to stop doing that kind of stuff"

"What kind of stuff?" Stella peeked between her and Flora as she finished "dumb stuff" she answered as they approached the classroom, Stella entering first hoping the teacher was another "dilf" as Ares called it.

"Nope, it's Griselda" Stella whispered her name as if it was a curse word, Griselda yelling from inside the room for them to hurry or they be counted as absent.

"Isn't the teacher here yet?" Stella asked as she sat herself to the right of Flora. "Your lucky you have a teacher of my caliber or you wouldn't have a chance against the Trix" she pointed out as they took their seats.

"Let's begin, now you are up against an enemy much more powerful than you. This enemy has just cast a terribly destructive spell, what do you do?" She paced between the front and back of the room, the question laying empty in the girl's minds.

"We combine powers!" Musa spoke up, a cocky smile on her face as Griselda bent down to her level. "Too late Musa, the enemy charged an attack against you and you've been pulverized into oblivion. The answer was to dodge" she annunciated the word differently as if to point out the obvious.

"Good thing she told us, or I would have just stood there" Stella giggled as Griselda approached her. "Ms. Stella since you already know it all let's show the others how it's done, you try to attack me" she smiled grimly before whispering down at her.

"Everyone except Ares get into transformations and meet me outside" she stuck out Ares as the girls whispered, making their way outside in their glittery wear.

"Ok everyone, your classmate Stella will demonstrate for us how to land a successful attack" Griselda distanced herself from the students, awaiting Stella's charge.

She launched herself up as she threw a glowing orb at the teacher, immediately being absorbed into a shield created by her. Getting frustrated she activated her staff as it unleashed a loaded attack, one that was easily mirrored by her shield and hit Stella. Her body fell to the ground as Griselda looked at the entire class.

Ares remembered her training with Griselda, "Ares remember this when going up against an opponent obviously stronger than you. You must learn to use their strength against them, incorporate everything you know into destroying those who oppose you"

Ares always admired Griselda for her blatancy but she never realized how good of a teacher she was until that summer. She reminded herself how lucky she was to have had the opportunity to stay.

"Now I want everyone except Ares to attack" she smiled cockily as some girls turned to Ares either confused or angry. But she just stood there, awkwardly avoiding their gazes

Each of them flew up to look down at the woman, stood there bored as she awaited their move.

Averill, Flora, and Tecna shooting attack that was immediately canceled out by the barrier she created, Aisha took the next turn as it had the same outcome. "Bloom it's our turn" Musa spoke to the ginger who was completely out of it, only coming back to reality as Musa's attack deteriorated.

"incandescent sphere" she curled herself around a sphere before quickly launching it towards the teacher, only to be caught like a ball in one hand. "Is that all you've got Bloom?"

"I'm very disappointed if the Trix were here each of you would have been decimated." She dusted the weak flame from her hand before looking to Ares with a slight smile.

"But Ares didn't even try!" One of the girls from the back of the group yelled as Griselda eyed the scarlet-haired girl, one most didn't know would train with her one on one.

"What do you say, Ares. care to give it a shot?" She crossed her arms at the younger girl whose eyes moved from Bloom to Griselda, clearly not focused.

"Sure" Griselda directed the other girls to back up, allowing both fairies space. The girls whispering from the sidelines, most of their comments based on the idea of the "fairy who doesn't even have her transformation yet" rumor that automatically tied Ares into the weaker side of the spectrum. "I want you to go full out" she spoke over the distance between them, Ares slightly hesitating before giving her teacher a nod.

They stood silent on either side as Ares attempted to regain focus, looking towards Griselda who glared down at her student. Ares slid her foot back as she gained balance, feeling the stable floor beneath her adding a form of insurance as she took a heavy breath. "Certamine vires" the words left her lips as an echo as she charged after the teacher, each step leaving dents in the ground as the teacher lifted her hands to block.

The barrier formed itself around Griselda as the attack made contact, the sphere that blocked all the other magic attacks was shattered by the hand of a "simple" fairy.

She dropped her hand before taking a few steps back, the surrounding students looking at her as if she was a foreign animal. "You've become stronger Ares" Griselda congratulated the girl as she smiled "thank you".

Griselda turned back to the other, watching their faces change back to normal. Almost introducing a new person to the class as the normal quiet girl who stayed in the back was revealed to be stronger than most thought.

"Class is dismissed, if you have any questions you can wait till our next lesson" Griselda walked away, excusing the girls from their last class of the day.

Tecna and Flora decided to use the rest of the day assisting Bloom with her current marital issues. Little did she know what would happen at Red Fountain, could severally lessen the likeliness of her survival.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now