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The girls sat on the sand, each of them in their bathing suits as the boys rode their motorbikes along the water.

"I wish I could go ride with them" Aisha smiled sadly as Ares agreed, Timmy sliding onto the sand. Approaching Tecna as he left his bike unaccompanied, Aisha raced towards it before taking it on a ride.

An hour passing as the group played volleyball, Kiko keeping score as Aisha and Ares went to collect firewood. Dropping the logs into a pile as Aisha and Stella begin a conversation, Ares walked past the two and made her way toward Blinky. The napping pixie moved to her lap as she took a seat. The sun was now going down as the groups gathered around the stack of wood. Starting the fire and passing around food to heat up.

"So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Skye asked as everyone sparred their ideas, chatting lightly about postcards. Ares was slightly distracted from the conversation as Riven started on his high and mighty act again. "Well, I think it's high time you girls get a taste of what life is like with no magic, and all you can count on is your wits and your muscles" Ares dramatically rolled her eyes before falling back, her head hitting the sand softly as they continued their conversation.

"Are you alright, Darling?" Cyprian asked as he sat next to her, only shaking her head in reply as she held her hands above her. "I'm trying to channel magic sense but I don't know if I'm glitching or what" he raised a brow at the girl as black flames flickered in her hands. Cyprian looked down at the fairy confused as everyone else did too.

"Never mind, I'm probably just going insane" she sat back up, Cyprian rubbing her lower back as everyone got up. Preparing two separate tents, Skye was on guard duty for the night so he slipped his uniform back on and walked by the fire. "Just try to get some rest, you're on vacation after all" he spoke gently to Bloom as everyone separated into their respective tents.

Ares slept soundlessly, the rushing feeling of dark magic forcing her awake as she turned to the girls around her. Each sleeping bag was occupied as she stepped out of the tent, the oversized sweater being the only thing warming her as she looked at Skye.

"Ares? What's wrong?" She looked around as the sun began to rise, the darkness of the night leaving along with the dark magic. "I thought I felt something but I guess I was wrong, I'll change and hold watch while you rest" she offered, not waiting for any response as she left him alone to go change. She soon stepped out of the tent as she slid on her belt, walking back over to Skye as he nodded a tired "thank you".

"Just try to get some rest" she chuckled as he entered the boy's tent. She slipped a knife from the vests sheath, sliding her finger along with the cold metal before darting it towards the tree. Finding a new activity to keep her occupied during the next few hours.

"Ares, why are you awake so early?" Riven rubbed the back of his head, having barely woken up he yawned, tears rooting from his eyes as he did so. "I took up the watch so Skye could get some rest...I feel like something bad is going to happen but I can put my finger on it." She sighed as she played with the knife, cutting the sip of her finger as scarlet red blood dripped from it. "Are you insane!?" Riven approached the girl, leaving for a second before moving back with the first aid kit. Grabbing a single piece of fabric from it and kneeling to the level of the injury.

He grabbed her hand, holding the fabric against it as she looked around. The empty skies and full forest were hiding something much darker than just any animal.

Howls echoed through the heavy lumber as the two turned to the origin of the sound, birds leaving the trees, like a horror film. "What happened?" Cyprian yawned as he exited the tent, back his hair as he approached the two. "She cut herself" he stated simply as he showed her lover the cut. He raised a single brow at her as she rolled her eyes.

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