𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬

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"But you hurt me more by forcing yourself to go through this pain alone"

Her mind went blank as she looked up to meet the boy's eyes, gentle as always but holding a worried tone. "You don't need to go through it alone, and I knew by falling in love with you that I'd have to be there for you through everything, knowing you it was bound to be a lot" he joked as he hoped for her to laugh, she chuckled lightly as she hit him in the chest. She didn't have the air in her to respond.

"Listen to me Ares" he brushed her soaked hair behind her ear before cupping her face lifting it to face his, her soft skin growing goosebumps in the rain.

"When I first met you I didn't expect for you to be anything more than another fairy I'd find myself needing to save" he took a breath before locking his eyes with hers

"But I can't even begin to explain how happy I am that you're in my life, you're the first person to make me feel alive in years. I tried telling you that day at the dance, but Stella interrupted" her breath stopped, so did his. Their faces were extremely close as she awaited his words, ones she'd never think to receive from the usually unaffectionate yet overly flirty boy.

"Since our first conversation I knew that I was meant to be yours, that everything I would ever do...would be for you...because, I'm so fucking in love with you" his eyes closed as he laughed into the admission, his true feelings poured out as he held onto her face. "So please stop forcing yourself to do this alone" Her eyes shifted between the boy she had longed for and his lips, having thought all this time their relationship was based on pure flirting, she was on top of the world.

She leaned forward, pressing gentle lips against the others feeling a little shock exchange between them. Pressing into the kiss for a second before jumping back, surprising her. "What?"

"What do you mean what? You kissed me?!" Cyprian stayed in his position as the girl stuttered, confused as to what she was meant to do if not kiss him.

"What was I supposed to do?!" Crossing her arms she looked to the boy who was barely processing the situation. The rain lifting slightly as people began making their way back onto the city streets. Eyeing the two who were stood on the cent of the sidewalk.

"I don't know! I just wasn't expecting that, I thought you'd hit me or something" he spoke quickly after ruining the moment. "Wh- Why would I hit you!" He walked back up the girl, the now light rain hitting both their faces as he gripped her waist tightly, pulling her closer.

"You've done it before" a light whisper against her lips as they connected, the shock of electricity between them lighting up the kiss.

His hand grazed up her body as it raised to her cheek,  pulling away from the kiss, one that would seem boring to most but was anything but to the participants. "What was that?" Catching her breath as she looked up to the boy who seemed just as confused "I'm not sure...but we should probably go" He led on as many eyes watched the two teens exchange, Ares nodding lightly as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards where they parked.

Wondering what their situation was, looking up at the boy whose face held a giddy smile. "So, what are we going to do" looking down at their intertwined hands, he turned to her. "You don't need to make your decision right now, you're going through a lot and I had no right to insert myself in the situation" she shook her head at his words, looking up to meet his eyes. "I'm glad you did, I'd been keeping so many things to myself that I'm glad to have the opportunity to get rid of at least some of them" he raised a brow at her overconfident expression, most of the running mascara and eyeliner gone from her cheeks.

"Cyprian Agape" His name rolled off her lips like honey as she grabbed either side of his face, gently sliding her hands between his hair as his eyes widened at her next words "I'm so fucking in love with you"

She pulled him into a kiss, leaning down as he closed his eyes. Sliding his arm around her waist pulling her closer as a gentle hand placed itself against her cheek. An urge of happiness filled the pair as they let go of the loving exchange with heavy breath.

"Ares Peters, I want you to know I'm here. Any time, any place, but just please answer this honestly" pausing as she grew nervous, his eyes never wavering from hers as he remained determined.

"Will you become mine as I am yours?" Spoke like a poet, his words once hitting her like a bus now gently flowing through her ears like the honey she once used to speak. Remaining quiet for a longer amount of time than either of them would prefer, "uh, Ares?" He brushed her now lightly dried hair behind her ear as she gently jumped before looking back up at him.

"I've always been yours" light red blush lightly dusted over a lovingly familiar smile, she laughed as she looked up at the boy. Kneeling on the ground allowing her to stand taller, trailing his hands down from her face to her lower waist warmth trailing behind them. Pulling her into a gentle kiss, lightly grazing the other's lips as she trimmed his jaw with her thumb.

The constant exchange between the two beckoning for it to continue, going on for as long as the other would like. Either side reluctantly pulling away, needing air.

"Why are you on your knees?" She laughed lightly at his situation, a smirk immediately pulling itself onto his face "you made my knees weak" she rolled her eyes with a chuckle knowing he made that up on the spot.

He quickly got up, grabbing her hands on the way up. Gently kissing the back of her right hand, before meeting her eyes once again. A stupidly large smile on both of their faces as he noticed their current state.

"We should get you home before you catch a cold" she nodded before quickly remembering an earlier promise to a certain pixie. "I need a cake" tilting his head for a second before nodding at her quick explanation, turning towards the direction of the more popular bakery in Magix.

"Shall we find a cake for you and Blinky, Darling" Bowing down, offering his hand to her keeping a straight face, somehow holding up the act as she nodded placing her hand gently on his

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