𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭

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"Wow red fountains opening ceremony" Bloom looked over the tall castle, Avalon leading the class through the main gates that stood guarded by two men. He separated as he was looking to meet the other teachers, leaving the girls alone at the front gate.

"Lucy!" Merta smiled brightly as three witches walked past the group, each of them ignoring her call to welcome. The others passing it off as attitude before walking through the gate, finding a bench near the training grounds.

Ares and Chatta urging Flora to at least talk to one of the boys, she smiled mindlessly as her gaze fell onto nothing "she's not giving us anything" Chatta groaned as she crossed her arms, Blinky happily snoring on top of her head.

"Welcome to Red fountain, as always you all look radiant." The specialists approached, Skye taking a bow as he eyed them. "Your right, we outshine all the girls at Alfea" Stella smiled, crossing her legs sassily before Tune corrected her behavior.

"Sorry for the delay, hope you weren't too bored" Skye apologized as Stella excused it "of course not, I was too busy being admired." She smiled as another specialist passed the group, blushing a quick hello to the Sun fairy before leaving.

"And that makes twenty-six specialists" she smiled looking up at Brandon who matched it "well I scored twelve witches plus seventeen fairies, a total of 29 so I win sunshine" she gasped at his smirk as Tecna chuckled.

Bloom excused herself to see Avalon, something about telling him they were leaving. Walking down the long path leading to the stadium where the specialist has a supposed "surprise".

The stadium was rebuilt, a larger and higher built presentation. Each of the boys smiled proudly as they lead the girls towards the bleachers.

Tecna turned to admire the stadium as Aisha pointed out a certain boy. "Oh, that's Helia" Ares walked over to Cyprian as she looked at the long blue-haired boy, one that had been introduced to her many times.

"He's actually headmaster Saladins grandson" Timmy pointed out, "he must be one hell of a Specialist then, huh?" Stella crossed her arms, lightly eyeing the boy. Soft features, never leaving the paper he painted on.

"He's a real pacifist, doesn't like to get his hands dirty" Brandon sounded bitter as Timmy brought up his enrollment in the school. "He didn't drop out, he still attends but he works on the more strategic side. Prefers to stay out of battle" Cyprian spoke up as Helia looked up at the group.

"Helia, let me introduce you to the stars of Alfea." Approaching the boy he turned to the girls. "This is Stella, Tecna, and-" as he got to Flora, Stella popped out as she began to ask questions regarding his drawings, asking to see them. He stood up before bowing, straight back as if he'd done it millions of times "please to meet you, Ares it's nice to see you in good health" he smiled at the girl who had already met him many times before.

"Why don't you use a digital notepad, there's more storage and the..." Tecna and Digit approached the boy as if they were hired to convince him to draw on a tablet. Stella taking the notepad as Digit listed the great qualities of a digital drawing pad.

"Say would you draw a portrait of me?" Flora took the paper noting the energy that emanated from the sketch. "I love the way the brush stroke match the fern leaf in the paper" she complimented before handing him back the book. "No one ever noticed the fern in the paper before" he smiled gently as Flora giggled.

Ares lightly elbowing Cyprian as she noticed their compatibility. "And this is Flora" Brandon introduced her quickly as Helia repeated it.

"The shows about to begin so why don't you girls find a seat" The boys excused themselves as they found their seats, Flora ignoring the incoming viewers as she continued asking Ares questions
about the newly fond boy

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now