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The door of the place he once called home opened slowly as it revealed the darkness of his house; in lighting and in atmosphere. He knew what he was getting himself into when he stepped inside, he knew about the beatings. Nevertheless, he atleast attempted to silently enter...but to no evail.

"You're finally fucking home huh?"

The whole lie he told his new friends about his dad being a miner? All lies. All brutally fake. His dad was no hard-worker. He leeched off of the government, his excuse being that he was an only parent. That was no lie, which is why Jisung hated it.

Living off of small Government funds and casino earnings was far from the dream life. And it was all his fault. The man Jisung hated calling "father" but that scum of a man demanded it; Sunho.

Every time he talked about that old geezer, shivers went down his spine and rage fills his system. He hated Sunho, but most of all, he was mortifyingly terrified of him.

You're probably wondering why Jisung didn't report him to the police after literally murdering his mother, well it was because Sunho threatened Jisung with no only Jisungs and his own death, but exposure to his moms dead corpse. I won't go into too much detail obviously; but basically the worst kind of indecent utter torture any one person could commit on another.

"Put your stuff down, don't wanna get your school belongings smashed like i'm about to smash you. Fyi, i've got quite a lot of pent up aggression that I haven't been able to release anywhere. Guess I found my target" His dad laughed cynically in a raspy smokers voice.

Fear was imminent in the small boys gaze. He did immediately what he was told, utterly terrified of what any hesitation would mean for him, and without any time to think, Sunho hurled a brutal punch at Jisungs stomach, throwing him to the ground.

"Dad wait I-"

Another swift kick to the head cut off Jisungs plead for help. He curled up into a ball, protecting himself as much as he could as the kicks kept coming.

"DAD THATS ENOUGH!" Jisung barely got out as he cried and whimpered underneath his dads feet.

"DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT" His dad bellowed in the boys ear, leaving them in pain as his ears started to ring. His dad stormed off. Without a moment to loose Jisung got on his feet, as much as it send shock waves of pain through his whole body, and he attempted to scramble away before his dad inflicted him with anymore pain.

"Don't think you can get away that easily" His dad laughed in the same raspy smokers voice as usual. He forcefully hurled a chopping board across the kitchen, it pounded against Jisungs head and he lost his footing and fell forward, slamming his head into the stairs.

"I'll leave you there, i'm exhausted now." his dad huffed as he swiped up the chopping board and headed to the living room, turning on the football channel.

Jisungs head pounded violently and his ears rang so much he could barely hear his rugged breathing. He stumbled a few times before clinging onto the stair-rail for support.

He heard his dads faint cheering and booing at the Football game in the background as he felt himself growing weaker. He slowly fumbled up the stairs, his grip on the railing weakened the higher up he went.

His vision became shaky and blurry as he stumbled sluggishly to his room, curling up on the bed as the pain finally hit him, and tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls. More tears falling between every sharp breath and every whimper that escaped his mouth.

He wearily glanced through the crack of his ajar door at the room adjacent to his; the bathroom. He'd thought about doing self-harm again for four years since the first time and only time he did it after he found out about his mother's and sisters deaths, but he always pushed through the urges. But today the voice was screaming relentlessly at him.

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