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(A/N: it's a drawing by yours truly 😔🙏 its an OC of mine called Madeline. The hands are bad but oh well 😭)

The trio entered the school, Jisung and Changbin on either side of Felix, both holding the younger boys hands.

"Good morning Lixie, Binnie, and Sungie!" Jeongin smiled brightly, waving in their direction.

Much to everyones dismay, the bell rang. Jisung sighed sadly, he knew he didn't have his next class with any of his friends.

"see you at lunch break" he mumbled, he glanced down with glossy eyes. Felix softly embraced him in a goodbye.

Jisung walked off, a little saddened — but it's not like Felix had died or anything, no reason to be too sad, until Minho bumped into him. He felt his heart drop.

"Oops, sorry, I couldn't see you down there" Minho snickered as Jisung fell to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry for getting in your way" Jisung stammered, trying to get back to his feet without sparing a glance at Minho, hoping, praying that Minho would leave him be — but no. He was a fool for thinking such things. Minho? Leave him alone? In his wildest dreams maybe.

Minho grasped Jisungs collar, holding him in place. Not necessarily violently, just enough to hold Jisung still.

"I'm not done with you yet" Minho hissed. Jisung attempted to wriggle out of Minho grasp, but to no evail.

"I'll do anything, give you my lunch money, do your homework, just please let me g-go back to class" Jisung weakly mumbled.

Minho furrowed his brows.

"God, you don't have an ounce of self-respect do you? Whatever, that's how it should be. No — I don't want you doing any of that, although it's not a bad offer..." Minho pondered.

"u-uh well what did you want with me" Jisung stammered before Minho got any ideas.

"Ah right, i met someone the other day"

"o-oh yeah? Who was it?" Jisung was puzzled, but listened intently.

"i think you'd know him. His name was Sunho"

Minho waited, he glanced at Jisung to gauge his reaction before making a move, and sure enough, Minho saw the life and colour drain from Jisungs eyes. His legs became limp as Minho let the younger boy from his grasp. His eyes were wide with terror as the name of that man left Minho's mouth. They weren't supposed to know — none of them were supposed to know.

Minho grinned at Jisungs reaction, a new found power crawling its way into his brain. He first had doubts, confronting Jisung about meeting his father might not have been the best idea, but if he'd known how much power he'd have over Jisung from doing it he wouldn't have bat an eyelash.

"So I take that as you do know a Sunho" Minho grimaced, eyes thinning. Jisung couldn't keep his footing and stumbled to the ground. This was his worst nightmare — anyone knowing his father.

"Stop" Jisung whimpered, so lightly that you could barely hear it.

"Stop what hm?" Minho snickered.

"Saying his name — please" Jisung covered his ears as a reflex, looking down and trying to avoid eye contact with Minho as much as he could.

"Oh, so this is blackmail I see" Minho scoffed, glaring down at Jisung who was still on the ground.

"NO PLEASE" Jisung screamed, latching onto Minho's pants as if letting go meant certain death. His grip was tight and Minho was very caught off guard.

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