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"Mom, I'm here." Minho smiled, awkwardly walking towards her.

"Oh, hello love. It's been a while hasn't it? Two months I think!" She laughed, gesturing her hand out to the chair beside her, "C'mon, take a seat."

Minho sat down at the seat, smiling as he remembered his long chats with Jisung while he was hospitalised.

"Are you getting any better?" Minho asked, knowing she wasn't. Maybe it would make him feel better if she lied, telling him she was getting better, even if she wasn't. He knew she didn't have much life left in her. if she didn't tell him the truth, the nurses would.

"Oh..I think so!" Junghee smiled, trying to keep Minhos spirits high. Junghee knew that Minho was offered the chance to pay for her expensive surgery, but she didn't want him to waste his money on her. She didn't think she was worth it. "The nurses even told me I might be able to go up to the roof soon." That was the truth, but it didn't mean she was getting better. Maybe she could pretend it would.

Minho just nodded with a smile, letting his mom lie to him. Minho knew it was just to keep him from feeling helpless, so he was still happy enough.

"Well, what's been happening in your life, love?" Junghee asked excitedly, ready to get herself off topic.

Minho mumbled a bit, wondering if he could tell her.

"I made a new friend." Minho started, "He's living with me for now." He didn't like half-truths, but they were better than lies.

"How cute." She smiled, "What is he like?"

"Actually, I bought him here with me." Minho said with a teethy grin. "Jisung! It's okay now." He called out.

"Jisung." Junghee mimicked as the younger boy entered the room, "What a sweet name."

"Thank you Mrs Lee." Jisung chuckled a little, feeling a hint of embarrassment.

"Yes, this is my friend Jisung." Minho smiled. 'Friend?' Jisung thought. They'd kissed twice in two days and Minho still called them friends? They'd never made it official, he guessed, or maybe he didn't want to tell his mom yet. Either way, Jisung felt a little off about it.

"Hello, it's great to meet you." Jisung bowed.

"Oh what a sweet friend you've made love." Junghee cooed, "keep this one close, yeah?"

Jisungs cheeks flushed a pink hue. He couldn't help but feel like it was almost a parents approval. He smiled, joining in the conversation they had been having before.


"We'll I'm glad you stopped by again Minho, it's always great to see you." Junghee stroked Minhos cheek softly, and Jisung couldn't help but admire the relationship they had.

"Okay, let's go get lunch, Jisung."

Jisung followed Minho down the hall briskly.

"You're mom is sweet." Jisung smiled, his endearing tone making Minhos chest feel warm.

"Yeah, I'm really glad you two got to meet." Minho slid his hand around Jisungs, softly at first, but as Jisung tightened his grip, Minho became more comfortable, intertwining his fingers with Jisung. The younger boys heart swelled, swinging their hands back and forth as they made their way down the hall.

"Where will we eat? I heard a new café opened up somewhere around here." Jisung asked innocently.

Minho smiled with a nod and they headed further down the street. Jisung let the soft breeze through his hair and he took a deep breath through his nose. Looking adoringly at the Minho beside him and then down to where their hands were interlocked.

"What?" Minho asked playfully with a grin.

"Nothing." Jisung chuckled. A small silence elapsed, "I love you."

Admittedly, it made Minho blush a bit, and he couldn't ignore the butterflies in his stomach. He turned to Jisung and kissed his cheek, leaving the smaller boy a mess of giggles.

"I love you too." He whispered into Jisungs ear.
The walk there was calm, light pink flowers scattered the streets and the warm sun was bright on their skin.

The shop had a nice wooden arch out the front, adorned with plants falling off it like sprays of water.

"Our house would look really pretty with these." Jisung held one of the leaves in his palm. The same palm he used to cover his mouth when he realised what he said, "your house, I mean. Not our. Like, you pay for it and it's only temporary-"

Minho cupped Jisung cheek softly with a small endearing giggle that made all the words stop as he looked to Minho with wide doe eyes. "They'd look lovely in our house." Minho smiled, holding Jisungs hands softly, as the two walked to the door. Jisung couldn't shake off the giddy smile Minho had put on his face and he did small little hops.

Minho picked up a menu from the counter, opening it up in front of them both.

"What do you feel like, it's on me." Minho put an arm around Jisungs shoulder. Although the small gesture was just so Jisung could see the menu closer, it made him smile softly.

"My favourite is their caesar salad." He grinned, "with pineapple juice!" He exclaimed excitedly when he saw it, pointing swiftly to it.

"Cool, I'll order. Go choose a seat" Minho nodded towards the tables filled with people eating happily and laughing with their families.

As he sat down, he looked towards Minho as he ordered, a not so loving look on his face. What had he said back then? "Yes, this is my friend Jisung." Jisung would have liked to think they were more than that, did Minho not think so? His stomach swelled as he watched Minho walk to him. Even thinking about bringing it up had his heart racing.

Jisung lightly tugged at Minhos sleeve before he was able to sit down, Jisung face lowered and his bangs covered his eyes entirely.

"Minho, can we talk..after?" Jisung mumbled out. Minho felt a pit in his stomach.

"Mhm, of course." He nodded stiffly after a small pause. Lunch was awkward, and Jisung regretted making it into a bigger deal that it needed. The air felt stiff. Minho didn't know if he wanted time to go faster or slower.

"I'm finished." Minho looked Jisung in the eyes.

"I am too" the younger mumbled out, avoiding eye contact. Without another word, he stood and began to walk out. Discreetly, he looked to see if Minho was following.

Jisung hadn't realised how fast paced he was walking until Minho grasped his wrist and pulled him into a side alley. The walls were painted in fancy street art and little fairy lights hung over them.

"Jisung, talk to me." Minho put his hands on Jisungs shoulders. Jisung, again, avoided eye contact, he just awkwardly played with his hoodie strings as he tried to string together a sentence.

"When we uh..visited your mom in the hospital, you told her I was your friend." He muttered. "I know that visit should have been about your mom, it's just..are we just friends?"

Minho felt himself untense at Jisungs words, an adoring and amused smile now on his face.

"Did we never make it official?" Minho chuckled. Jisung tilted his head in confusion. "Jisung, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He smiled, a hand cupping Jisungs soft cheek.

Jisung let out a soft laugh, leaning into Minhos touch.

"Yes, I do."

Minho lowered his head and connected his lips to Jisung, the younger felt his heart swell and a faint heat in his cheeks. He kissed back softly, placing his two palms on Minhos chest as he wrapped his arms around Jisungs waist.

They pulled away, giggling a little.

"You know, we still have to get ready for dinner at Changbin and Felixs place?" Jisung looked up to Minho.

"Oh shit you're right." Minho blinked rapidly, "come with me." He pulled Jisung behind him, the younger quickening his pace to keep beside the older.

"It'll be fine, I'm sure they won't mind if we're a little late." Jisung smiled, a small chuckle in his tone and he tried to avoid tripping.

(A/N: I'm so sorry for the humongous break but I'm back! Maybe.)

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