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(A/N: I've noticed something. My bias is Lee know, right? But no one is going to know that because of how much I fucking love Felix and Jisung thankyew

Also I apologize but there is a lot of dialogue in this chapter)

Jisung regretted it as soon as he left. What was he thinking? Running out like that - where was he going to go? He pulled out the new phone that Minho had bought him a few days ago and called Changbin.

"Jisung? What's up?" The kind voice spoke softly over the phone.

"Can I go to yours for a bit?" There was nothing desperate and depressing about his words, but panic coursed through Changbin as he heard a broken and sniffling voice speaking to him.

"Of course of course! Send me your location and I'll be there immediately." Considering Jisungs situation, Changbin had completely forgotten he had to stay home in case something bad happened to Felix, but he was too worried about Jisung to remember.

Jisung tapped shakily at his phone and his location sent. He sat at a bench near the base of the building and waited for Changbin to pull up, hoping he'd be able to avoid confrontation with Minho and praying he stayed in the apartment.

Jisung noticed Changbin almost instantly, as he was already scanning the cars driving past him. The elder leaned over and opened the passenger seat door for him. Jisung let out a soft relaxed sigh as he slipped into the warmness of Changbins car, contrasting with the bitter cold outside.

There was a quiet but comfortable ride as the soft pitter-patter of light rain could be heard on the roof of the car.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Changbins voice was light and sincere, warming his heart and melting away some of the stress he had.

"Yeah." Jisung stared down to his thighs, covered by some black sweatpants. "If it's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't okay, alright?" Changbin smiled to Jisung as they stopped at a red light. "Is it about Minho?"

"Yeah, but he didn't do anything wrong."

Changbin just nodded softly, prompting Jisung to continue.

"He said he.." Jisung paused, the words tasting funny on his tongue, "wanted to kiss me."

Changbin was trying to stay composed for Jisung, so that he felt comfortable, but that caught him off guard as much as a punch to the back of the head.

"He wanted to kiss you?" Changbin repeated, with a kind of voice that almost denied the situation.

"It's surprised me too." Jisung muttered, slightly sliding down in his chair.

"Sorry, keep going. It's okay." Changbin huffed out.

"As much as it shocked me though, I said yes? I don't even know if that's what I wanted, but it felt like his eyes were pulling me in." Jisung recounted, gulping when it played in his mind again.

"Jisung, don't say yes to things you don't want to do. You don't have to feel obligated to. He asked, did he not? You have all the right to say no."

"I don't know...I think I did kind of want to. It felt nice." Jisung glanced to the window with half lidded eyes, his fingers grazing his lips.

"Did something happen after? Why'd you run out?" Changbin probed.

"I guess I sort of regretted it - not in the way you're probably thinking though. I'm worried now that I got too carried away. It's like something took over me, he probably thinks I'm weird now. A freak. Wanting to kiss a boy like that..."

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