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me x

"Wait, huh?" Jisung blinked.

"This hint - it wants me to go to a place in Japan. That's where my parents got engaged. I hate that my father is making me do this, but if it means I can pay for my mother's surgery then I am willing to go through everything he's going to throw at me." Minho sighed out.

"How noble." Jisung grinned, kissing Minho, "I'd love to go to Japan with you, especially if it's to help your mother."

Minho smiled.

"Then let's not waste time. We should head of." Minho hopped off the bed and went to the other room to get his suitcase. Jisung followed Minho with his eyes with his mouth agape and his eyes wide.

"I'm still in pain you know?" He called out, sighing and relaxing his face, "because of you."

"Get used to it." Minho sung out. Jisung took a second to figure out what Minho said, his face immediately burning up.

"You devil." Jisung muttered, an endearing smile on his face none-the-less.


"Japan?" Felix asked, a cocked eyebrow raised and his arm propped up against his hip.

"i'll bring you back a souvenir." Jisung laughed, packing the last of his things in his suitcase.

"but you'll be alone with Minho. Are you sure everything will be ok?" Felix rubbed his temples.

"Didn't I tell you already? We had s-"

"Yes- yep... i remember." Felix coughed, glancing as Jisung forced his zip shut. "i'm happy for you."

"I know.." Jisung laughed with a smile as he hugged Felix. "I'll miss you."

Felix let go of Jisung and helped him with his things out the door.

"What did you two do to take so long?" Minho sighed with a smile as he saw Jisung struggling with his suitcase.

"Felix is a sceptic." Jisung patted him on the back.

"I'm not a sceptic!" Felix barked back. Jisung laughed and held Felixs hand.

"I'm joking. C'mon, let's go or we'll miss our flight." Jisung smiled.

Minho bit his lip as he looked down at their hands, but he brushed all his thoughts away when he remembered how they'd be alone for the next week.

They took a taxi to the airport and unloaded all their stuff again, heading inside.

"Are you gonna hang around or head back home?" Jisung looked back at Felix.

"Changbin isn't home, so i'd be bored. Besides, i'd like to wave you off." Felix smiled. His eye twitched. His eyes twitch when he lies, but Jisung didn't know that.

They walk through the busy airport, heading to their terminal. Sitting down near the window and watching the airplanes fly in and fly out.

"I wonder where we'll be sitting." Jisung asked, mostly as a rhetorical question.

"I got first class seats." Minho answered so casually, as if it was normal. To him though, it probably was.

"Like with the beds? And we get proper food? Not the gross, slimy airplane food?" Jisungs eyes lit up.

"Yes, with the beds and the good food." Minho chuckled, smiling at Jisung.

"Aww, lucky! I've only ever flown normally, not all that fancy junk." Felix rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"It's not fancy junk! It's luxury." Jisung motioned a rainbow with his hands.

They all quieted down as the speaker began calling them onto their plane. Felix grimaced, knowing what that meant. He gulped as Jisung and Minho stood and began walking towards the hallway. His eyes darted around the room in an attempt to find a reason to stall, but there was nothing.

"Goodbye Felix." Jisung smiled, opening up his arms for a hug. Felix stared, and slowly walked into his arms for a hug.

"Something wrong?" Jisung laughed a little, patting Felix on the back.

"mm, i'll miss you." He lied, eyes welling up. He didn't let Jisung see though.

"I'll miss you more," Jisung let go of Felix and Minho softly tugged at Jisungs jacket, signaling him to leave. He waved Felix goodbye one last time and walked off towards the place, hand in hand with Minho.

Felix stood there for a while, watching them get smaller and smaller until they turned the corner, and he was out of sight. He sniffled, shakily walking back to the chair with tears threatening to stream down his face.

He pulled out his phone, ringing Changbin.

"Lix? What's up?" Changbins voice was reassuring, but it also just made the tears fall like no one was watching.

"I think there's something wrong with me." Felix sniffed, wiping his eyes.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with you, what happened? Are you okay?" His voice was soft and calming.

"I'm supposed to feel good for Jisung right? Happy that he's found someone to love? Then why don't I? I feel jealous. And I didn't want him to leave with Minho." Felix cried.

"Slow down, what do you mean bub?"

"Jisung only really became happy after he started dating Minho, but I had been friends with him for long before that, so was I not enough for him? I was jealous seeing Jisung so happy with Minho, and I kind of felt like I wanted to steal him back. I hate that they live alone, it means Jisung is getting so much closer to Minho. I hate every moment they're alone together, and now they'll be spending the next week together. He's drifting from me, I used to be his favourite person, and I'm watching him drift from me right infront of my eyes."

By this point, Felix was getting a few worried stares by other people in the airport. Changbin was silent, he didn't know Felix was feeling like this, did he hide it so well? and for how long had this been going on? was he keeping it to himself that whole time?

"I'm picking you up. Stay there." Changbin hung up, rushing to his car.

(A/N: this chapter is a little short, sorry. Also i'm kind of projecting onto Felix right now 😐)

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