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The world around Harleen Quinzel turns cloudy and filled with little wisps of smoke-like shadows. She is back in her room in Forks, tears escaping her bloodshot eyes. No one seems to be home, but someone is there with her — outside her window, looking in. They gently knock on the window, and she jumps several feet off the bed before turning to look outside. Her eyes grow wide and she dashes to the window, flinging it open and grabbing the person — Edward Cullen — into her arms. She embraces him fiercely and scolds him for leaving.

Harleen, still in a deep slumber, acknowledges that this is just a dream. It's not real. Victoria wouldn't kidnap her just to ship her off to Forks, where Edward would magically be awaiting her arrival. This is all just a dream...

A single tear escapes her eyes as she continues to dream, reluctant to open her eyes and face reality. She looks so happy to see Edward.

She knows she would forgive Edward. Her eyes would sparkle with tears as he begs for her forgiveness, even though she would continue to swear she forgives him. Is this it? Are the walls of Rome finally crashing down on me and letting him back into my heart?

By the end of her thought, the picture before her fogs up into a muddy color, and the sight of Edward and her together disappears in a mist. A pained moan escapes her lips, and she squeezes her eyes tighter than ever, like it would magically turn this beautiful dream into reality.

Then, she sees it again — a happier version of herself hurriedly racing towards the window to let Edward in. Her relief at the sight of him. The wildly enthusiastic way she brings her arms around his neck — the way he is embracing her back, letting her warmth fill his body and make him whole. Each second this vision is playing in her mind, the more she feels like she's floating.

Her desire to see him is burning stronger than ever. Each second this vision becomes clearer, and she wants it to be true. She wants to be in his arms and hear him tell her that everything is going to be all right — that he will never leave her again. She can't bare to look at the sight before her any longer, as it only brings on a false sense of security. She feels like her heart is ripped from her body all over again.

She feels her physical body staggering sideways, and her dream suddenly becomes cloudy and non-existent as she wakes up from her dream. She stares down at her lap with a withering look, her throat obstructed with grief.

She feels an almighty retch as she turns her head, attempting to look at her surroundings, but failing miserably, as her vision is impaired by a black bag placed over her head. She tries to reach for the bag, but realizes that her hands are tied behind her.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now