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The heavy rain beats sideways through the open windows of the rustic, red Chevy truck as Bella Swan and Harley Quinn climb on inside. The owner of the vehicle turns on the engine and drives away. Neither one of them barely notice the water splattering on inside, both too occupied with their thoughts to pay attention. Plus, it's not like they can't get any wetter.

One thing they know for sure is that Jacob isn't free. And he certainly isn't happy.

The entire car ride consists of awkward silence and worried glance shot Bella's way by her concerned cousin. Poor Bellsies, she frowns. She can see the impact Jacob's harsh words had left on her, her naturally beautiful, porcelain face scrunched up with ache and suffering. It's a painful sight to see.

When they pull up into the driveway, Charlie Swan opens the front door. He has been waiting for them in the foyer, since the second Billy Black called. Harley, eyes focused on the wooden porch, simply pecks his cheek without looking up and steps inside the cozy, two-story home whilst Bella clumsily stumbles up the front steps, water running in rivers out of her clothes.

"Billy called," Charlie explains calmly as the family of three head on inside. "He said you'd gotten in a fight with Jake?"

"Kind of," Bella murmurs.

Harley is leaned up against the couch. She sighs, frowning at the father and daughter duo. "It was more of a savior an' hostage type thing," she corrects. "So much for tryna be the hero.." The last part is more of a murmur she keeps under her breath.

Charlie nods and looks at his daughter. "Well, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure you two will..." he trails off when he sees her face, and his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. "Bells? Are you crying?"

Then, she bursts into tears, desperate for any kind of comfort. She steps forward and rests her head on his chest. His arms hesitantly come up to circle her shoulders as she sobs.

"Dad, Sam Uley's gotten to Jacob, he's cut off all his hair and he... his face..." She gulps for air, panic starting to rise again. "You should have seen it, I can't- there's something wrong and Billy told me to go away and I don't know what they're doing to him."

Harley, thinking this should be a private conversation between father and daughter, grabs her scarlet scarf off the couch and slips out of the room. As she leaves, Charlie rubs Bella's back.

"Okay. Okay, Bells. It's going to be all right.."

She decides to take a shower to try and alleviate the cold. The cold rain sometimes makes her feel like she will never be warm again. She stands under the scalding water until the stream turns tepid, her long, blonde hair reaching past her lower back. She stands under the water a little longer before shutting off the tap with a sigh. In the sudden quiet, she can hear Charlie talking to someone downstairs. She wraps a black towel around herself and cracks the bathroom door.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now