𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 & 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬

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Pain and exhaustion is all Bella Swan can feel as she rests on her bed, cradling her recently casted arm to her chest as she tries to think. She is confused, tired, hurting, and completely strung out from all of the pain medications prescribed to her. It's been a day since Sam Uley paid Harleen and her a visit, and she has yet to wrap her head around everything that has happened.

How can it be that Sam wants me to know what is going on, and Jacob doesn't, she quietly asks herself. Since when does Jacob not trust me? She thought it was the cult that was keeping him away, but if it isn't... what did she do? She squeezes her eyes shut at her very own question...

The bones in her right hand throbs, keeping her  from focusing on finding the answers to her never ending questions. What she wants more than anything else in the world right now is to sleep, but there isn't any time for that. If she is going to see Jacob tonight, she has to stay awake.

Her eyes flicker over to the ugly colored cast on her hand. It's bright and orange-y. Eugh! At least it's healing. With Harley's help, she somehow convinced Charlie that she fell out of her bed during a bad dream and had broken her hand in the process.

The trip to the hospital was short and uneventful, all things considered. An x-ray showed that she had thoroughly broken two bones in her hand, and as a result she'll be in a cast for five weeks. The doctor asked some pointed questions about how it had happened. He clearly doubted the "falling out of bed" story, until Harley - like the fast thinker she is - saved the lie by telling him to look at Bella's medical file and see how accident-prone she is. The doctor let it go after that.

Oh, what would she do without Harley? She is always there to defend her, to support her, to care for her, even though she can hardly take care of herself.

During the hospital visit, Bella noticed how she'd keep looking up at the double doors, half-expecting to see Carlisle walk through with his inhumanly beautiful smile. He didn't, of course, and her face pulled into a deeper frown than the last one.

Bella takes a deep breath, then rolls to her side and looks over at Harleen, who sits on her bed, calmly drawing a cartoon version of Edward Cullen with a silly mustache and a missing tooth. Betty Boop's 'Poor Cinderella' plays in their new bedroom T.V, a gift from Charlie to the girls.

She's trying.. Every day she wakes up, Harley tries her best to pull Bella from her heart-wrecking depressive episodes, to help her keep her head held high, to get her to be herself again.. Bella frowns, feeling guilty. She is struggling with her own pain and Bella's.

The brunette sighs and looks up at the popcorn ceiling. She is beginning to doze off when the sound of a stone hitting her window snaps her awake. She jumps and glances to the window, then Harley and her share a glance.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now