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Moving back to Gotham City was the best decision Harley Quinn could've possibly made after her break up with Edward Cullen and the unexpected death of her mother Sharon. She has improved so much in the course of a week. She feels lighter, happier. With her reuniting with her best friend Jane, adopting her puppy Boo and her two wild hyenas, Bruce and Eddie, and finally finding a job, she is the happiest she has been in a while.

Though, of course, the happiness she felt with Edward can never compare to how she feels now... But it's not too far from it. She is home again, and life is good. It could be better, of course, but it's good.

Harley Quinn, freed and looking glamorous in her red corset, black shorts and matching red and black ripped leggings, is standing in front of a worn down brick building. She looks up at it, her perfectly manicured hands holding onto an AD she found earlier stapled onto a tree. Boo and Bernie rest comfortably under her arms. Bruce and Eddie, her wild hyenas, are back home, waiting for their owner in the tiny apartment atop Doc's restaurant. She promised them she wouldn't be long. She just couldn't miss this opportunity.

In her hands sits the the offer of a lifetime. An apartment renting for just nine-hundred dollars a month. It includes free utilities, and pets are allowed. It was like a gift from the big man himself. After spending a whole week with Doc in his tiny, cramped apartment, she collected just enough money to finally spread her wings and rent out a place of her own. This is very important, especially now that she has four pets to look after.

Not to mention, she hasn't quite told him about Bruce and Eddie yet. Their adoption was more of a spur of the moment, it surely wasn't planned. Harley had originally planned to get a baby pig, something "small" and "easy to take care of" — as she put it. So, she talked to a friend of a friend, who knows a friend, and found herself an illegal pet shop that sells exotic animals.

She searched around, looking for the perfect baby pig to take back home, blocking off the owner of the shop's intense and predatory gaze. He wouldn't stop following her around the shop, watching her every move and even daring to stand directly behind her. Sometimes, she can still feel him breathing down her neck.

After almost two hours of searching around the shop, her eyes finally landed on two hyenas caged together, and she instantly lit up. They're brothers caught in the wilds of Africa by a group of pet smugglers. The two hyenas are just about three years old, their luscious fur a gorgeous brown color with black spots; and they are highly intelligent. She had found the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen. Yes, she'd see hyenas on T.Vs and magazines, but it was nothing like seeing them in person.

Now, what really caught her heart was that when they saw her, they laughed! And she finally understood why Bella and Edward always compared her to these majestic creatures — their loud and wild laughter. She bounced around in front of their incredibly small cage and squealed, ignoring the owner's predatory gaze for a couple seconds so she could enjoy the moment. She could've sworn she heard angels singing! It was like she finally found her soulmates.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now