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The small hall expands into a circular room with windows above that cascades liquid golden light below. It is cave-like, yet huge. The same designs that they have seen outside are displayed here.

Harley's eyes immediately shoot to all of the exits, even the drain in the middle.

"Where the hell are we," she wonders out loud. Why the hell did they send us here, she asks herself. She then looks to the others and tries to decide if she should panic now or later. "You all seeing what I'm seeing? I mean, seriously, is this the kinda place we wanna be?" No one answers. They just keep staring at their surroundings, searching for a point of exit, besides the main door.

Please, Edward. We need to get out of here now. Why did you let it get this bad? Alice is graceful in movement as her eyes dart in his direction as if she wants to slap him. Edward is sure in any other situation that would be exactly what she would do. But deep in her frightened heart, part of her unconscious mind spills and radiates love — she is just so happy that they are all together again, even under the dire circumstances. Get your act together, she snaps at him again. He almost smiles because even those snippety words are full of love. Almost.

There is a gathering of vampires on the far side of the room. Several of them hear their approach and turn toward them, the sun catching their skin and reflecting the same diamond sparkle Edward had grown to hate until Harleen called it "beautiful."

Only one human? This is our dinner? One of them thinks, almost in anger. She is very thirsty.

Edward's arm instantly snakes around Harleen's waist, forcing the magnet away from danger. One of the unknown vampires catches Harleen's attention. She is a gorgeous, curvy woman with pale skin, jet black hair and irises that matches the other's. There is something unique about her, though. She is mystically floating off the ground, a magical green and purple mist covering her feet as she pierces her eyes through Harleen's body.

"Okay, so tell me," Harley says as quietly as she is capable of being. "Am I dreaming all that, or does everyone else see all that magic stuff? I mean, seriously. I'm off my meds, so you can't go by me."

Neither Alice or Edward reply to her, both too focused on one vampire in particular who is waiting for them by the door, Alec Volturi. He smiles brightly as he steps forward, arms outstretched, and embraces his twin sister.

"Jane," he speaks, his voice smooth like honey.

"Alec," she responds. They kiss each other's cheeks on both sides.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now