𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬: 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬

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A melancholy rhythm of rain droplets hits a diner's foggy windows. At 7 AM, the slight buzzing of the overhead lights and the nonsensical noise of the jukebox fills the nearly empty restaurant with meaningless sounds. It horribly mimics a place full of life. Alone in a red leather booth, the porcelain eighteen year old stares down at her plate, clearly unamused.

The eggs and bacon assembled into a face smiles at her, the innocent, empty stare of the breakfast food bringing Harley Quinn more and more complex emotions by the second. She feels so frustrated by yesterday holiday and also at how Victoria had the audacity to kidnap her and basically force her hand into helping her find Edward and his family. At least Valentines Day had gotten her to forget a bit... That was the only good thing that came out of yesterday.

Clenching her fists together and straining her glowing blue eyes by staring too hard at the untouched meal in front of her, the harlequin's mind and synthetic cube heart wages a civil war. She just feels like killing anyone who dares come her way today — assassin or not. The month of February has not been all too well on her. She has never experienced such complicated feelings in the span of six months. Joy, sadness, regret, anger, fury. All in six months, she became an adult, had her boyfriend break up with her, had her mother die from stage four cancer, had a two million dollar hit out on her, people coming at her left and right and the mother of all rage and fury — a woman who lost her husband because of Bella and her — kidnap her. It all feels like agony as it builds up on top of another. A super-villain with such power shouldn't have to deal with this sort of thing, really.

Stupid karma, Harley thinks to herself, stabbing both eyes, the eggs to the face on the plate, and bringing them into her mouth. At least she has food to comfort her. It makes things all better. She shoves a slice of bacon into her mouth, her mean expression melting right away as soon as it hits her tongue. Bacon proves the existence of God, she moans. Ketchup, too.

Grabbing a ketchup packet from the booth's condiment container, she tears it open and begins to zig-zag the condiment along the slice of bacon. She masterfully applies the final touch, smiling with joy the whole way.

An unfamiliar man with a green puffer jacket, green, spiky hair and dark sunglasses removes himself from the seat of his car, a green Toyota parked right outside her window. He walks casually into the diner, trying to stay as quiet as a mouse in the dead of night. The waitresses greets him with a smile, and he returns the gesture. He adjusts his sunglasses and turns a corner, starting to speed walk towards the blond's booth, who is in the process of standing up so she can use the restroom. He gets to her just in time.

A hand is placed on her shoulder, and she is pushed back to her seat. She looks up, confused, and sees the man standing above her with a large grin. "Going somewhere, bimbo," he asks sweetly, his hand still on her shoulder.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now