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The second Edward enters the building, the most delicious smell fills his lungs, and he pauses for only a brief fraction of a second to take in the aroma before his eyes immediately fall upon the monster hovering over Bella. It is a scene of total devastation. Glass is strewn across the floor and blood glitters in the sunlight coming from the windows. His eyes are solely focused on Bella, though. Her limp body lays unmoving and broken, bleeding. His worst fears have come to life. His view is suddenly obliterated by anger as he dives into James, sending him flying across the studio. He starts snapping at him, but he holds him up around the throat, tightening his grip.

Behind him, he suddenly hears obnoxiously high-pitched, child-like giggling nearing him and the enemy. Still, he can't force himself to peel his eyes away from James to put a name on the source. A slender shadow jumps up and down behind him, laughing it's little heart out.

"Boing! Boing! Haha! Ooh! Can I play too," the shadow's owner asks, laughing loudly.

Edward recognizes that voice. Before he can mutter the person's name, James takes this moment to have the upper hand. He switches positions, forcing him up against a mirrored column and pushing his face up against the mirror. His eyes become a darker shade of red, matching it's vicious and sinister smile. He smashes his face into the mirror until his cheeks begin to form cracks. Neither of his family members notice this, all too focused on Bella's tempting blood.

Suddenly, the room explodes with gunfire. Someone approaches, sandwiching James in place. He feels James release a nasty grunt as more gunfire is heard. Something impacts the enemy, causing him to drop to the floor.

Edward opens his eyes and turns his head to find Harley Quinn behind him, holding a rifle almost as big as she is. Her black and red pogo stick lays next to her left foot. She is hovered over James, aiming the rifle to his head. "Freeze, copper," she laughs and looks up at Edward, tossing him a wink. "See? I got ya covered, Bats." She grins proudly, unaware of the strength James is regaining. Her bullets did nothing but force him back and make a slight dent on the back of his head.

Even though she had saved Edward's life, he can't help but feel as though she disrespected him for not listening and staying in the car as he ordered. "Harley, what are you doing," he growls. It's bad enough Bella's here, but now he has to protect her also.

Harley simply smirks and adjusts the rifle, placing it on her shoulder. She laughs and rounds him, now standing behind him. Her toes hold her up as she leans into his ear. "Just what you expected me to do, sucker. Because it's Thursday."

And just as they start to relax, James is up on his feet and thrusting himself towards Edward. In a swift motion, Harleen raises her weapon and shoots him, her bullet caressing Edward's left ear. This time, he isn't fazed by her shot. She realizes this, and as she goes to continue shooting, Jasper suddenly flies up behind him and grabs his arms. He rips them off of his body as Bella's gasping and groaning is heard nearby.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now