𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚

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It took Harleen an agonizing total of four useless days of laying around, groaning, moaning, watching murder documentaries, eating useless junk, blowing her nose and inhaling aspirins before she finally felt better and herself again.. Well, sort of. She has definitely improved. In those four days, Bella had completely and utterly deteriorated. Gone are the smiles, the laughs, the jokes.

All she hasn't lost yet is the spark of determination in her eyes. She isn't catatonic, though. She just frantically calls Jacob every single day, growing more desperate, more agonized and more afraid. Apparently he's very sick, but even so, the utter silence is odd. Especially when taking his suspicious behavior at the cinema.

Her routine for the next few weeks were fairly straight-forward.

Wake up. Realize she's breathing. Sneak into Charlie's room. Confirm that he's breathing. Check cell phone to see if Jacob had called.

Take shower. Dress. Eat breakfast. Drive to school. Sit through class. Make small talk with Angela, Mike, Eric, and Jessica. Check cell phone to see if Jacob had called.

Drive to work. Stock shelves. Answer questions from customers. Check cell phone to see if Jacob had called.

Come home. Do schoolwork. Eat whatever Charlie had made for dinner. Assure Charlie dinner is delicious. Check cell phone to see if Jacob had called.

Go to room. Change into pajamas. Sit on edge of bed. Call Jacob. Get no answer.

Climb under covers. Think about Jacob. Curl in a ball. Go to sleep. Wake up several times during the night. Check cell phone to see if Jacob had called.


Today, Harley Quinn declares herself to be back to normalcy - even though she still misses Edward greatly and still cries herself to sleep at night - by making pancakes for breakfast. Though, Bella won't have any time for that, as she recently announced she will be driving to the Black house to see Jacob.

She is currently standing opposite of Harleen and the stove, blanking staring at the tiled kitchen floor. She is clearly distraught. A huge part of her wants to go back to Florida and never come back. No, scratch that. A even bigger part of her wants to go La Push. She wants Jacob. She wants Jacob and his sunniness and his smiles.

That doesn't matter, she tells herself sternly. I might want Jacob, but Jacob certainly doesn't want me.

Charlie told her Billy told him Jacob isn't sick anymore, but he still hasn't come to see her, hasn't even bothered to return her calls.

"If you give me two minutes, I can get ready an' come with you," the youngest cousin - by a few months - offers, flipping a pancake with practiced ease. Not wearing mascara means her eyelashes, though long, almost seem nonexistent due to their dyed blonde color, but if Bella is in a great rush, she'll forget that. All she'll retrieve from upstairs is a jacket for warmth.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now