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Everything is in color with crackly, strange, somewhat disoriented audio, though it's viewer can see and hear everything perfectly fine. The imagery in the viewer's mind looks a little blown out, communicating that this is all but a dream.

Charlie Swan's sister is lied down on a simple-looking hospital bed. No one truly understands how she got here, but here she is. Her body looks bruised and fragile, making her pale flesh look as if it were made from crepe paper. Her weakened state doesn't mask the kindness in her expression. She looks somewhat peaceful, but tired.. and worriedly still. Her tiredness isn't the kind of tired you would automatically associate with stress or overwork. No. You'd associate this tiredness with a brawl, a battle no one but her can fight. The purple bags of skin below her light eyes are badges of strength. With every hour that passes by, the deeper it's color gets, matching the color of her bruised skin. A loud machine is hooked to her head and nose, connecting to a computer screen that displays her vital signs. She is barely breathing, quietly grateful for the various machines' aid.

She battles something inside, struggling to fight back.

Next to her, is a large viewing window that showcases two figures. They are quietly discussing something. One of the figures, a tall, asian Doctor in white shoes and green scrubs, stands before the other, a tired, blonde teenager. Unlike her, she is dressed in an eye-catching, orange jumpsuit, her hips, arms and legs tied together with several metal handcuffs. Two male guards sit on either side of the door, keeping a close eye on Arkham's newest inmate.

"We called you as soon as we got her stabilized," the Doctor informs the other woman, Harley Quinn, while holding a clipboard close to her chest. Clearly distressed, the blond turns her head away from her and look into the viewing window. She holds onto a magazine of some sort. "Her blood pressure dropped and she slipped into a coma. Her lungs are struggling to absorb oxygen, so we intubated her to help her breathe. A coma.. It's a setback, but there's a silver lining," the Doctor, Dr. Joan Leland, continues. "It's the best way to keep her strength up. If things go our way, this is not forever."

"Silver lining. Oh, ya. Sure," Harley responds quietly. She is purely focused on her mother. She then turns to face Dr. Leland. "C-Can I stay here with her?"

The Doctor smiles softly and nodded, placing a comforting hand over her shoulder. "I'll call Arkham and let them know."

"I-If I talk.. can she hear me," Harleen asks, struggling to fight back the tears.

Joan Leland sees this, so she decides to answer truthfully. "Who can say for sure? But medically speaking.. It can't hurt."

The dangerous inmate now stands before her sick mother, looking down at her with deep sadness. This is it. This could be the last time she sees her with a heart beat. "Don't worry, Ma," she quietly whispers and reaches for her hand. "I've laughed in th' face a' death many times in my life. An' if he comes back, I'll do it again. That's my superpower. I got it from you." She puts on a fake smile and leans back, still standing by her bed. "An' anyways! I'm gonna be here ta talk an' tell ya stories an' sing ya dirty versions of popular songs! An' especially ta' make fun a ya when ya fart in yer coma! Oh, wait a minute, how could I ferget?! Even better!" She grins as she reaches for the book in her purse. Once she takes a hold of it, she lifts it to the side if her face and poses. "We got a comic book!" Then she turns it to face her, still grinning. "Remember meetin' my friend Alice Cullen at Thanksgiving? Her and Emmie made a comic book about yers truly! She designed it and he printed it! It was written by me, of course. Now don't worry, not only will I do all th' character voices, I'll describe the pictures for ya, too — It's a visual medium, after all! This one is called.. Year of the Villian."

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now