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The three girls linger around in Harley's bedroom. Jane and Harley are listening intensively to Ivy, who is currently explaining to them what she has discovered. Several photos of Harley and her pets line on the walls, trinkets littering her pink vanity table. There is a soft pink light coming from behind the bed, it's source a yard of twinkle lights taped to the walls.

On the bed is a variety of junk foods — potato chips and licorice and chocolate bars, pistachios and cheese puffs and flavored crackers. There are bottles of soda and lemonade on the bed, as well as a tray of Chinese food. There are extra pillows and blankets on the queen bed mattress, plus all the normal pillows that normally litter her bed.

Beside the tray of food, sits her laptop, its owner eating straight out of a bucket of ramen noodles not too far away from it. She slurps the last bit of her noddles, then puts a hand up after Ivy finishes her explanation.

"Okay, Ivy, okay," she says as Jane releases a tired sigh behind her. "Explain this one more time."

Ivy nods her head, looking at the two girls as they sink this new information in. She watches as Harley sets down the bucket of food and lays on her stomach, waiting for her to repeat the absolute chaos that just escaped her lips. "The person responsible for putting the hit on you," she repeats softly, "I followed a chain on encrypted leads and was able to track that the posting was coming from your laptop."

"No way," Harley awes, dragging out her words and in complete shock. That means they've been in her apartment several times!

Ivy's following words confirm this. "My theory is someone's breaking into your place, Harley, and somehow posting updates each week while you are out or asleep," she furthers her explanation, shifting onto her stomach and typing away at Harley's laptop. "Look, according to the string of posts from the first day, the web page gets updated every five days, and that just so happens to be tonight."

Jane thinks about it for a moment, then offers her two cents. "Maybe they're doing it from somewhere else in the area, or something. Not using her actual laptop."

Ivy shakes her head with a sigh, her fingers moving effortlessly over the keyboards. "I ruled that out. It is coming from her computer, and if I'm correct, we'll have a chance to catch them tonight."

"Damn," Crazy Jane mutters to herself, worn out from today's events. "Thank God for the traps we laid out earlier."

Harley Quinn nods her head in agreement.

"A-ha!" Pamela Isley cheers after a moment of typing, and both girls lean in for a better look at what's on the laptop. "I think I found what I was looking for. Any idea what's in the "Nunya" file? I found it buried deep within a file in a file in a file." Letting out a small sigh, she plays with her bottom lip as she whispers quietly to herself. "I don't know how I missed it earlier."

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now