𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭

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It is a terrible night for a heist. The sky above is crowded with murky storm clouds that are occasionally cut by brilliant forks of lightning as they briefly light up the Gotham night. Icy sheets of rain pound the roof of Gotham Towers West and down its walls, the torrent overwhelming the gutters and creating rivers of water for Harley to slog through, as she tries desperately to get to her car. Her cherry red convertible is just a few blocks away from where she is, although at the moment she can barely make its figures out through the harsh pellets of sleet and rain blinding her.

The wind gusts violently, knocking her slightly off balance and ripping her ruby red cowl completely off of her head. Mascara and clown white makeup runs off her face in messy rivulets as she pulls herself along the pole of a STOP sign, fighting the gale force winds. Another flash of lightning momentarily brightens the sky and she can finally fully see her car. She groans loudly, violently battling against nature. Her moans are swallowed by the crashing of thunder and the howling wind, her right hand holding firmly onto a brown bag full of jewels that were being auctioned for a charity event.

She woke today with a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach about tonight's job. She listened to that gut feeling for a moment there and decided not to go through with it, when the other side of her, the more devilish side of Harley, told her that she was just being a silly little ninny and that she had prepared for every eventuality. That may have been true, but the one thing she can't control is the weather. It had started out as nothing more than a moderate rain when she arrived to Gotham Towers West and headed up to the Top Hat Room on the uppermost floor of the building. The winds picked up significantly as she liberated the bulk of the wallets, jewelry and auction items. By the time Batman crashed through the floor to ceiling windows to thwart her off, the weather had turned for the worse and the storm had been upgraded to a category three hurricane with wind gusts of one hundred twenty miles per hour.

Batman is surely not too far from her. Before she escaped out the back door, she dropped a coughing bomb behind her and left Batman inside, making sure she locked the door behind her.

Desperate to get to her car, Harley launches herself into a series of front somersaults to help her cut through the winds. As she stands, she hears the loud sirens of several police cars approaching. She rushes over to her car just in time, the swarm of cars only twelve feet away.

Starting up her car, she can't help but glance back at the building. "Bye, Bats! It's really been a blast," she mutters sarcastically, watching as the top three floors of the building are torn asunder by a vicious explosion. Flames and smoke plume into the air as debris rain down on the traffic below the now demolished tower. She wastes no time to speed off, being chased by the police and Batman, who has successfully made it out of the building before the explosion.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now