𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 & 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤

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The lights dim down as everyone takes their seat and waits for the final act. Circus music rings inside the big top as Harley, Mr. Haly and the little girl's mother discuss over some things in the back room. The little girl, whom Harley learned is named Coraline, stands inside the room, tugging at her mother's shirt with a big smile on her face.

"And you're one hundred percent sure this is safe," her mother asks, understandably concerned for her daughter's safety.

Mr. Haly glances at his newest prodigy, his arms folded. If didn't trust Harleen and her insane ideas, he wouldn't be agreeing to this.

"Of course! Our greatest trapeze artist, Samantha," Harley points to Samantha, who stands next to her with her hands folded in front of her, "will be there with us. We'll strap a harness to her and lay out a netting. Your little Pud's gonna be perfectly safe."

The hesitant mother looks down at Coraline's pleading look. She's thinking about it. Harley notices the hesitation on her face. So she takes a step back and grins, putting her hands up. "Look, if anything ya can sue us, okay? Cross my heart and hope ta fart."

Coraline giggles while Mr. Haly quickly clears his throat and shoots Harley a hard look, quiet for "Shut the hell up, girl." His newest addition shoots him a quick smile and turns to look at Coraline's mother.

"Please, mommy," Coraline pleads, staring at her mother with puppy dog eyes.

The woman finally nods in agreement.

Harley and Coraline squeal with excitement. They giggle and clap their hands, bouncing up and down. Harley turns to her coworkers and lifts her arms in the air. "Alright, Ladies! Let's get this show on the road," she exclaims and walks out the tent, making her way into Queenie's stand.

Merely minutes later, Coraline and her mother sit in their seats, anxiously waiting for the show to begin it's final act for the night. Behind the mother and daughter, Bella leans into her father to help him record with his smartphone. "Yeah, you just gotta.. Push the red button and-"

The rest of her sentence gets drowned out by the music as it grows in volume. The previously panic room has ceased to exist. Everyone now wears a large smile, clapping their hands. They to have to admit, this is the best damn show they've ever been to. A dramatic drum roll catches their attention as a trained elephant pushes a small bucket of water into the center of the stage with his trunk. The front of the bucket reads: "pool." Bright spotlights tilt up to the top of a very tall diving platform, where Harley and Samantha now stand.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now