𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫

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"Please don't explode! Please don't explode! Please don't explode," Harley Quinn whisper-shouts to herself, referring to the deadly nanobomb that nestles in her neck. Her blue eyes are tightly shut closed and her left hand is pressed against the side of her neck, waiting for her entire head to explode. Panic sets within her as the red truck inches closer to the border. The driver, Bella Swan, glances at her friend in the passenger seat, Jacob Black, then at her cousin, in the backseat. She frowns and presses on the gas petal. The three of them successfully cross over the border and land on the Reservation. They pass a sign: "The Quileute Tribe Welcomes You To La Push."

Still in the backseat, Harley cracks an eye open and nervously looks around the inside of the car. She didn't explode.. She left Forks and didn't die! She releases a sigh of relief and eases into her seat. "We're good," she announces while giggling. Her cousin glances at her through the rear-view mirror and smiles, shaking her head at Harley's comment. Jacob turns his head to look at Harley and lifts a hand. Grinning, Harley leans in to high-five him.

Today is a Sunday, the last day Harley can be with Bella and Jacob for the week. Tomorrow, him and Bella will be attending school, leaving Harley home alone. After Charlie comes home, he will take his niece to a few diners to apply for a job. Unfortunately, because of her harshly stained record, she will never be able to work in her former professional field. It turns out that trying to go straight is a hell of a lot harder than living the life of crime.

The three of them finally arrive to the Black Residence. It is a small, wooden place with white, narrow windows. It's dull red paint makes the house resemble a small barn. Around the of the house, is Jacob's garage. The entire property is hidden from view by a thick band of trees and shrubbery.

Jacob helps Harley out of the truck as Bella climbs out of the driver's seat. "I'm starvin'," Harley comments, hopping onto the muddy ground. Her pink and blue cowboy boots mush the wet dirt with each step she takes. Her peculiar outfit includes the different colored boots, a light pink cowboy hat, blue denim shorts Alice gave her as a gift and a blue, v-neck crop-top.

"Well, good thing my dad's cooking. Him and Henry make the best hotdogs," Jacob replies. Bella and him lead the way while Harley follows.

"Yummy," Harley exclaims. Bella and Jacob smile at one another as they make their way to the front door of the house.

Jacob pushes the front door open and leads his friends inside. "Dad, I'm home," he announces. The front door leads into his heavily decorated living room. Behind it, is the kitchen. It's decorated in a pale shade of lime green and brown tile floors. It has a regular stove, a white fridge, an island and a circular dining table, surrounded by chairs. It seems as though the three teens are the only ones inside. "Dad," Jacob calls for his father, but there's no response. Him and Bella walk into the kitchen to search for Billy Black.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now