𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬

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An elderly female clerk with blonde hair and the bluest of eyes is standing behind the check-out counter of the store, looking through a box full of prom dresses and checking them off on a list on a clipboard. As she goes through the box, an unseen customer places a small basket on the counter. It has the very same black dress Harley Quinn was admiring earlier.

"I'll be right with you," the clerk says, not bothering to look up from the box.

"No problemo," the customer responds, her voice a high-pitched nasal with a thick Brooklyn accent.

The clerk continues checking the dresses and list for a moment, but then there is a low, menacing growl. She looks up and sees Harley Quinn at the counter, pulling some cash out of her red and black purse. On the floor, is Boo, growling at the clerk. She immediately recognizes Harley, dropping her clipboard and stepping back.

"Baby, hush," Harley softly hushes the pup, then looks up at the clerk with a smile. "What do I owe you?"

The clerk looks at her in horror, looking as though tears are about to pour out from her eyes. "Owe? Nothing! They're yours! Just... just take it and go," she yells wildly, shocking Harleen. "Please don't hurt me."

The maniac criminal looks at the woman, worried about her. "Hurt you? I don't want to hurt you. I just want to buy my —"

The clerks shoves the basket back at her. "Take them! They're yours!"

"No! I need to pay for them," she insists, confused as to why she's letting her keep the dress for free.

The clerk is clearly quite frightened by her, and this shouldn't be a surprise to her. I mean, she is the Harley Quinn. But it's almost as if she's forgotten about how much power she truly holds over the city and how truly scared people are of her. When she was living in Forks, she was just like anyone else, but here... here she's a queen, a feared one at that.

Harley Quinn reaches towards her with some bills in her hand. The clerk screams loudly, jumps backwards and stumbles in the tight space. She falls, banging her head on the counter on the way down and knocking herself unconscious.

Harley looks around the store, her eyes wide with horror. What did I do wrong? "Is there anyone who can...," she trails off, seeing the commotion has grabbed the attention of everyone else in the store and, from the looks on their faces, they all share the clerk's opinion of her.

"Someone call the police!" Someone is heard yelling in the crowd.

"I just wanted to pay for my...," Harley says quietly, sad. She tucks the money under the corner of the basket on the counter and picks up the black dress. She gestures to Boo. "Come on, baby."

Gotham Lawn & Garden, an outdoor store filled with different plants and flowers, stands not too far away from the dress store. There are rows of everything from lawn furniture to hoses, to trees, to gardening tools, to gazebos. Harley, with Boo hot on her heels and her brand new black dress draped over her arm, strolls down a row, whistling and pushing a new red wheelbarrow with a tree sapling in it.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now