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♢♦♢IT'S A LION♢♦♢

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After Harley Quinn's 'Welcome Home' party, or as she calls it 'Welcome Home and Good Luck Getting A Job And Living A Regular Life After Being An Inmate At Death Row' party, everyone had gone to their homes to rest for the day, though Harley's eyes are wide awake. After all, there's no rest for the wicked, right?

"Okay! Okay! Gather around," Harley chirps excitedly. Now in her pink, footed onesie and fuzzy, pink slippers, she skips down the flight of stairs, dragging one of her heavy boxes behind her. She finally stops at the end of the stairs, where she finds her uncle Charlie and Bella sitting by the wooden dining table. Edward just stands nearby. He had decided to stay with them til his family comes back from hunting. The three of them listen to the T.V playing in the background. The house was silent, except for the loud thump Harley's box suddenly makes when it drops in front of  her. Their sleepy forms makes her grow a frown. "Awe, what's wrong, Buttercakes? You don't wanna see what I brought with me from the island?"

The heavy-eyed, brown-haired man stands from the wooden chair and walks to stand in front of his niece. "Come on, Harls," he starts, "Bella and I have been up for hours. Can we do this tomorrow?"

"Tomayto, tomahto, uncle! I wanted you to open your pretty presents," Harley stubbornly replies. She pouts and crosses her arms, similar to an angry five-year-old. ".. I even wrapped them for you," she continues, tearing up. Her lower lip trembles slightly.

Charlie looks down at her puppy dog face, then at his daughter who shrugs her shoulders. With a sigh, he looks at his niece and nods his head.

Excited, Harley squeals and claps her hands. "Come on," she exclaims. Skipping toward the brunette, she grabs her by her arm and snatches her from her chair.

Bella Swan stumbles slightly, amazed by the blonde's strength. Her father and boyfriend follow behind the two, both skeptical. They don't know what to expect from "Her Craziness," as Emmett names her. With a sigh and another squeal, Harley plops down on the living room floor. The other three spread out on the couch. They watch her pop open her case, showcasing a bunch of random objects that spill out the case and onto the floor. There are clothes, shoes, belts and three boxes of boxed hair dye.

"Let's see what we got here," says Harley. Her hands shuffle through the objects, searching for something. Finally, she holds up what looks like an orange, balled up shirt. With a large grin, she hands it to her cousin, who carefully takes it. "I tried my best to wrap 'em good for you, but ya'know. With the whole incarceration thing, it's kinda impossible." Bella begins to unwrap the ball, but stops when Harley stops her with a gesture of the hand. "Wait! I want you both to open your pressies at the same time."

Charlie playfully looks spooked out. Bella smiles and softly swats his shoulder.

"Let's see," Harley whispers. She flicks her tongue over her upper lip and digs her hands into the black case. "Ooh! This was really, really hard to find ova' there, so ya' betta' enjoy it!" She smiles and hands them a simple balled up shirt. She claps. "Now open it!"

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now