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Harley worriedly watches her cousin's teeth grit in anger as she pulls up in front of Jacob's house. As Bella kills the motor, she rolls down the windows. The humidity has made her blonde hair stick to her neck. She looks up, hearing an ominous rumble from the sky. She is already regretting this...

Bella looks up also, glaring at the sky through her window; the heavens can open up overhead if they want to, but she isn't going anywhere until she sees Jacob. More than that, she isn't going anywhere without Jacob. When they leave, he's coming with them. End of story. She's willing to be annoyingly persistent, too.

Harleen puts her feet up on the dashboard soon after pulling a stack of comic books out from her purse. "And so the waiting begins," she mutters to herself with a long and dramatic sigh, flipping through the first book.

The overly ambitious brunette shoots her a glare, but then looks ahead, determined as hell. A movement flashes in her peripheral vision, and so she turns and quickly spots Billy Black looking at her through the front window of his house with a confused expression. She smiles and gives him a sarcastic little wave. His eyes narrow. He lets the curtain fall across the glass. He looked annoyed, but she doesn't care. If Billy doesn't like that she's here to retrieve his son, then he should have taken better care of him in the first place.

Fifteen minutes tick by, and Harley is already annoying the living hell out of her. Her ears ring with annoyance as the maniac sitting beside her laughs at something she saw in one of her comic books, pointing to an image on the back of her favorite Marvel comic book, "Krull-Skrull War." It's an add-on, a joke to leave the reader laughing. It's a joke saying the only way to unlock a bathroom in a hurry is with a "doo-key," a famous quote by Super Pooper, the most powerful superhero in Dookey Land, New York.

Clearly irritated with her cousin, she digs up a pen and an old test out of the bottom of her backpack. If she had paused to do any planning, she would have brought a book to help pass the time. She'll just have to settle for doodling to block out Harleen's obnoxiously squeaky laughter.

She's only has time to absently scrawl one row of diamonds on the paper when there's a tap against her door. She jumps, and looks up with Harleen. They're both expecting to see Billy, or Billy Cosby, as Harley calls him.

But it isn't Billy.

It's Jacob.

Kind of.

"Hi," he says hoarsely.

With her fourth comic book in hand and her sunglasses resting on top of her head, Harley's jaw drops to her feet. Jacob has changed radically in the weeks since she's last seen him. He looks older, the final vestiges of childhood having disappeared from his face, which is now sharp and hard. His beautiful hair is gone, cropped short and choppy against his head. He's shirtless, too, which gives her a view of the muscles that have filled out and thickened practically overnight. She's positive that he's taller, at least an inch, maybe two. This shouldn't be possible. No one grows that fast. But here is the proof, right in front of her.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now