𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞

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♡♦♡Predator turned prey♡♦♡

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Predator turned prey

Edward Cullen, the only "living" being whom's instrumental abilities can only compete with timeless musicians, and the only man in existence who has captured the queen of Gotham's heart, then plunged a scorching hot knife into it. The room around him spins crazily, like the orbs of Harley's ocean eyes. Alert and wild, she's a bullet. Deadly and with aim. His honey-colored orbs peel awake as he awakes from this unfamiliarity. Sleep.

He attempts to rub his eyes, his eyes which have not been able to cry since he was human, but then he quickly discovers that his hands are tied behind his back, as are his knees and ankles. Predator turned to prey. He attempts to speak, but only muffles emerge.

Not sure where he is or how he got here, he sits still. His mind races wildly.

A loud snapping noise rings through the cold air, then he finally releases himself from the restraints — two plastic zip-ties. At least his supernatural strength is still here...

Something is still stuffed into his mouth, and a latex belt wrapped around his head and lips. His vision focuses, he immediately senses he is in danger. He instantly removes the rest of the restraints, moving in his usual supernatural speed, but yet a bit slower than usual. His pale image is only a slow blur to the human eye.

He stands above dark greek marble floors. A five watt lightbulb illuminates the room to where he can now see the outline of bodies if he squints his eyes hard enough. The bodies are still.

His abilities allow him to hear the wisps of light breathing. A memory is suddenly pushed to the front of his mind. He distantly remebers what happened at the cinema. And her.

Her evil laugh. Her haunting eyes. And the potent fumes that had knocked him out cold.

His frame becomes a blurry flash under the low lights as he sprints towards the nearest silhouette, before seeing his brother, Emmett's face come to view. Edward feels an unfamiliar and uncomfortable sensation run through his body — dizziness and nausea.

"What the hell," he curses under his breath, his voice groggy.

It's brightness hurts their eyes. It burns.

Slowly the different silhouettes behind them rise awake behind them. Edward, Bella, Jacob, and the Cullen family feel a sense of distort. All are sprouted about in the room like rag dolls, slowly breaking from their sleeping curse. It's a very elegant dark emerald green room with an astonishing chandelier, palace-like furniture, eerie clown artwork, and a television. Edward is the first to spot a single door in the room — no windows, no fire escapes, just one door.

A loud gasp sounds behind them both, and they spin to find Jacob Black's horrified expression. He the last to awake. A horrible nightmare had jolted him awake, sweat pouring from his skin. The memory lingers of his wolf form carrying Bella's amputated wrist in his mouth. Fear.

Like magnet, he quickly scans her presence in the room. Bella is right by his side, and they embrace one another. Like a dance, everyone finds each other, mate to mate.

Alice's petite figure is caped by Jasper's body with her chin resting on his marble shoulder. Edward and her quickly find each other in the small crowd. Her eyes are tainted with worry. ''Edward? I can't see."

He stands as a solid statue cemented into the ground. The inside of his mind is a distant stereo. Different murmurs of voices float in,  alongside his panicked own. His abilities are weak also.

A nasty hissing snarl is heard out lout. Rosalie's voice is angsty as she speaks, standing by Emmett and her coven mate Esme. ''Why does my head feel like a clutter of knives?''

Bella has an uncomfortable look on her face. She's already identified the culprit in this, and she's enraged. She snaps her head at Edward suddenly. Jacob has wrapped her waist into him, eyes piercing holes into his face. ''You did this, Edward! You're the cause of all of this!''

He knows. He feels guilty and shameful.

''Come on! Someone give me a hand with this door,'' Emmett booms, his hunky figure approaching the metal shut doors. It is bolted into the walls, just a thick metal block separating them from paradise.

"It's titanium, we won't be able to break through it," Jasper states, punching his rock hard fist into the metal just to prove his point. Only a small dent...

No windows are in sight, but the room feels cold. The odd looking television is crookedly hanging by a cable in the ceiling, next to the large door.  Several clown paintings decor the room, some erotic, others haunting. An orange leather couch sits in the center of the room, a canvas mannequin next to it. The yellow lights flicker on and off, the room's ceiling covered in peeling white paint and green mold.

In a different room, sits a hooded figure over a computer. They watch over a monitor with hidden cameras. A large bucket of cheap popcorn sits over next to the cloaked figure, their gestures seemingly relaxed as they swing themselves  with an abandoned computer chair. A kennel of popcorn is thrown into the air, then caught into the beast's mouth.

The group of captives search for a way out. Jasper and Emmett are hovered over the door, testing its strength and durability by beating into it. Carlise exams it's bolts from a safe distance, chattering alongside his wife Esme. Small dents armor the door now, but it remains bolted shut.

The dainty television sparks awake. Black and white static covers the screen for a few seconds before it shows the face of chaos and mischief itself Harley Quinn.  Her picture is at an awkward angle, the camera being mostly focused on her lumpy breasts which rest in her velvet navy blue and wine red corset. Her appearance is out of focus, then back in focus as she plays around with the videotaper.

"Can ya hear me," she chirps gleefully, her voice laced in her thick New York accent. There's a cunning and sinister look on her face, she's getting her last laugh! She has skillfully outsmarted them all before their very eyes, they are just puppets to her devilish puppet strings. "Is this thing on? Oh, hiya, bats! Jake. Bellsies. B-man. Welcome to the madhouse! Hahaha! I set a trap, and you all sprang into it gloriously! Hey, tell me, how do ya like my new uniform?"

She is slow and sensual, grinning with devilish mischief as she performs a spin to showcase her brand new outfit.

A tight blue and red corset adorns her body, along a pair of shiny leather red pants. Both of her hands wear a mismatch of short blue and red leather slip-on gloves. Edward just watches his vengeful beloved with an aching, marbled heart. He's created her to turn like this.

''Pretty hot, huh?'' Her soft face suddenly perks up. ''Oh! I got something to show you all! One second.'' She disappears from the frame, which now shows the sight of a dirty wall. Low murmurs float in the dull room, Edward lost deep in his thoughts.

(editing in process. sneak peak? not sure to continue this series...)

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