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♡♦♡PUDDIN', NO♡♦♡

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Harleen Quinzel doesn't see him coming, but everyone else does. Edward turns to Jasper, whose thoughts have gone wild. Jasper releases a disturbing, grisly snarl, his teeth bared and his eyes beyond reason. I must have her, he roars in his head as he charges after her, deciding on what part of her will taste the best whilst his brother's beast can't continue to fight off the love deeply rooted within him. All he can think about is how to save Harley from him.

He rushes over to her side as her blue eyes widen in shock. She quickly throws her arms out, frightened.

"Puddin', no," she screams, but it's already too late because he is already shoving her out of the way. She braces herself for the impact of the fall, screams of fear and surprise erupting from her human throat.

Everything feels like it is going in slow motion, the feeling bringing a sudden nausea. The outfit, the cake, the perfectness of this party all goes down the drain because she caressed a thin piece of paper too harshly. A small envelope is soon going to be the source of Fork's upcoming mayhem.

Her blonde hair caresses her neck and cheek as she falls spectacularly through the air and lands onto the cake, breaking the glass dishes. She feels hundreds of shards of glass immediately pierce through the skin on her hands and knees as soon as she collides with the ground.

Instantly, blood is oozing out from the cuts in her skin. From top to bottom, she is covered in cake and and blood, her blonde hair the cake's main target.

Edward watches her with fear, hearing more tearing of skin and a rush of blood surge from her arm. He doesn't need to see it to know this. He can smell it. The monster growls. But all he can think is, I broke her, over and over, shrieking it in his head.

Harley looks up from the pool of blood beneath her and at her lover's eyes, her pale hand secured tightly around her tattooed arm. His once butterscotch eyes are now almost coal, with only flecks of gold around the edges..

Then, pandemonium hits.

Jasper is struggling against Edward fiercely while growling. He snaps at him, and Emmett grasps him while holding his own breath. His bite won't kill him, but it would be painful. The scent hits the rest of the family, and Harleen is suddenly a human in a sea of thirsty vampires. Most of them are able to keep their calm by holding their breath. But not Jasper. And definitely not Edward. He wants to fight him – the part of him that lusts for her blood - to kill him. Anything to stop him.

Jasper is thrashing around under him, trying to fight him to get to his prey. He is running on instincts alone. As is always with Jasper, Edward feels the twin thirsts, but suddenly it is more than that. Jasper feels everyone's thirst, and he hears their thirst. The fragrance emitting from Harleen is not only doubled, it is radiating off of everyone's thoughts and feelings, effecting Jasper and him more than ever.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now