chapter 21

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It's been a week since my dad has gone back to our home. We talk on phone every day. At start I was worried of how would I live without him or if he would get hurt and I would not be there for him. But when I talked to Xander about that he ensure me that he will send some bodyguards with dad who will look for him without him knowing so now I am not worried at all. Yes I miss him but I like living with Xander too. In this past week we have given each other a chance. He had shown me a different aspect of life. He had shown me what being loved is. I am happy that I have given him this chance, he had proved him right.

Today I thought of doing something special for him because all these days we have lived together I have never done anything for him. It was always him who had made me feel special and today I want to return that favor. Yeah, I know I am not good at cooking but I can try right? I am thinking of making pasta because he loves pasta. I have told all the maids to take off for the day so I am on my own for today. I have made the pasta with the help of internet and it looks slightly good but I am not sure. I have to wait for him to taste and tell me whether I passed or failed.

As I was setting the plates on the dinning table, an arm slides around my waist from behind and I instantly know the owner of those arms. A smile came up on my face.

"What are you doing tesoro? Where are all the maids? You shouldn't be doing that" he said sternly.

"I made them take off for the day. I wanted to make something for you myself" I said softly.

" Is that so?"

I hummed.

"But you know that you don't have to do this" he told me. He hate it when I do some work, he always told me that he had maids for this purposes.

"Yes but I wanted to do it for you" I told him.

"Okay but for this time only"he said

"Okay" I murmured.

"So what have you made?" He asked.

"I made pasta for you, I will go and get it. You sit here" I told him and flew from his grip towards kitchen.

I came back with pasta and he was sitting there waiting for me. I served him and then waited for his reaction. He took a bite from his plate as I waited in anticipation. He look towards me as I asked him.

"How's it?" I asked excitedly.

"Umm it's.. it's good. Its delicious" he said his face turning red by each passing minute.

"Really do you think so? it is my first time making something and I can't believe its good" I got excited.


"But why your face is getting so red? Are you okay?" I check his forehead for any sign of fever or something.

"N-no I am f-fine"

"No you are not. Tell me it's not good right? I asked.

When he didn't replied I knew the answer I started crying.

"I am sorry I wanted to do something special for you but i am not good enough. I can't do anything. You should leave me and marry someone else who could cook."

He stood up from his chair and crouch beside my chair he hold my chin to make me look into his eyes then he took my both hands in his and kiss the back of them.

"I will never ever leave you, You are my life, you are MINE tesoro, I can't live without you so never say this again. Understood?" He asked sternly.

I nodded.

"And about that" he motion towards the food.

"I can eat anything as long as it's made with your hands" I smiled at that.

"But for now we can order something, it's a little spicy"

I chuckled at that.

"Is that okay with you?" He asked.



Then he stood up and went to order some food for us not before kissing my forehead though. I really really like him. He always makes me feel good. I don't know how I could be able to live without him now if something happens. When he came back after ordering our food e sit beside me. I asked him something that I wanted to ask for so long.

"What does tesoro mean?" I asked him.

I know he is italian, I have heard him talking in italian with his men and staff. He always call me tesoro, it is the only italian word he ever used with me and I really wanted to know what it means.

He laughed a bit at my pronunciation but then he got serious and looked in to my eyes.

"Tesoro means treasure in italian and I called you tesoro because you are my treasure. You gave a meaning to my life, you don't know how I was before you came into my life but you changed me. You are my treasure which I want to protect from everyone. No one can steal you from me and I will make sure of that."

And then he kissed me and I kissed him back.

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