chapter 8

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As days passed, I am getting anxious of what is about to happen. Am I really going to be married tomorrow with an unknown person whom I have never seen,I dont even know his name. I always thought that I would get someone who will love me from his heart not some unknown person who doesn't even know me.

Aunt and grandma are busy in doing preparations for my wedding, caroline asked me of my likes and dislikes. They wanted me to participate in those preparations but I dont want to, there's a void in my heart. How can I do this without my father beside me. This is a big day in the life of every girl but for me it's like some obligation that I have to do. I dont want to do this please help me God. As I say those words,I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said.

The door opened and there stood a handsome guy in his early 20s. He is so handsome with his blue eyes, brown hairs and perfect shaped features. He is the definition of perfect. As I look into his eyes they were also assessing me from top to bottom.

"Who are you?" I asked him to break the tension between us.

"Wow you look more beautiful in person" his eyes were scrutinizing me.

On hearing those words blush crept on my cheeks. I have never been called beautiful by a guy other than my father, of course.

"Uh thank you?" It was more of a question.

"I am sorry for making you uncomfortable. I just wanted to meet you before the wedding so you can know with whom you are going to get married" he said.

My eyes bulge out of their sockets on hearing those words. So this is the mystery guy I am going to be married to. I dont know but I felt relief on hearing those words. He is good looking, I was not hoping for a guy like him. I dont even know what I was hoping for. He came towards me and held my hand in his, he raise my hands toward his face and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

"My name is Lucifer king love, and I am going to be your husband" he said looking in my eyes.

I blushed again, this is so new for me. Why a guy like him wants to marry me, I dont think I'm beautiful enough for him. Just look at him he is epitome of perfection.

"You look cute with that little blush on your cheeks" he chuckled lightly.

"I am isabella brown" I introduced myself to him.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, it's nice to meet you" he said with my hands still in his.

I wanted to pry my hands away from his but I couldn't do it. It's like I am frozen in one place.

"Its nice to meet you too" I told him.

"Are you happy with this marriage?" He asked me.

For a second I stiffen, what would I say to him should I tell him the truth of how I feel about all of this or may be not. As I was about to say something, caroline barge in the room.

"So you have met my little brother Lucifer here, do you like him?" She asked me with a sweet smile gracing her features.

Her brother, what? She has a brother and I am going to be married to her brother.

"What? He is your brother?" I asked her.

They both chuckle at my reaction as if I have said a joke.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked her.

"Because Lucifer wanted to meet you in person first and also he is my cousin" she told me.

"But now your time is over. Let her rest tomorrow's going to be big day for both of you" she said to both of us.

Lucifer lean towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek. He lingered there for a second and then he whispered near my ear.

"I will see you tomorrow" and with that he went out of my room.

I was shocked for a moment, his words doesn't sound innocent. It was like he was telling me something else behind those words. But whatever it is, after meeting him I am relieved somehow. Suddenly this idea of marriage doesn't seem so bad. I hope everything just go as planned. With that I fell asleep.
At some time of the night I heard some noises in my room when I opened me eyes from my sleep. I saw a silhouette near my window, he was in a black attire with a black mask on his face. I sat up abruptly and was about to scream when a hand on my face stopped me from screaming. I panicked and tears started running down my eyes. No what is happening now,please let it be a dream. I want to wake up from this awful dream. Then he inject me with something, after that I felt my eyes getting heavy and I lost my consciousness and fell into deep slumber.

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