chapter 19

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"Who are you?"

"I am Xander knight" he told my father his name.

When I look at my father, I saw his eyes widened with shock and he had an unreadable expression on his face like he was thinking of something.

"Dad! Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Bella, princess we have to go from here. Now." He tried to stand up from bed but his body fell back on bed. I held his hand immediately.

"Please dad, don't move. Let doctor check up on you first then we will leave from here." I reassured him.

"Isabella is not going anywhere. She will stay here with me, if you want you can go. I will not stop you" Xander said with a stern face.

"She is my daughter, she will go with me. You are no one to stop her" my dad retort back.

"Oh how mistaken you are. Well it's not your fault that you don't know" he said to my dad with arrogance dripping in his voice.

"She is my wife now and you can't take anyone who belong to me" he told my dad.

My father was shocked after hearing that. His face got pale.

"No you can't do that to her. You don't deserve her. She will not be safe with you" my dad yelled at him.

I have never seen my dad yelling at someone like this. I think dad knows about Xander from before but how do he know him. He belongs to mafia. Does dad knows that too?

"I perfectly know how to take care of what's mine and I will never let anyone hurt her" he said with anger.

"Oh really. How could you keep her safe when the one who wanted to kill us is your uncle? Will you go against him for her?" My dad all but yelled.

This make Xander quiet for a moment. It looks like he was deep in a thought. His face turned into a grimace.

"I will do anything to keep her safe even if it means to go against my family " he said looking directly in my father's eyes.

"Still I will not let my daughter live with a person who is related to the murderer of my wife and her mother" my dad said.

Now it was my turn to get shocked. Xander is related to the person who had murdered my mother.

"Who killed her dad?" I asked.

My dad's eyes turned to me and then he realized I was there too. He didn't mean it to say infront of me. He had always hidden this truth from me and now it is all out. But what I am surprised about is Xander is somehow connected with all of this. Did he knew this all from the start.

"His uncle, he killed her. He wanted to kill us too but we were out that day and he failed to kill us. We had to ran away from there because they were after us. They wanted to kill us that's why I never let you out of the house. Because I have lost one person I have loved the most and I couldn't lost the other one" my dad and I were crying at this point.

I always knew there was something hidden but I never knew it would be that ugly truth.

"Please can I talk to you alone?" Xander asked dad without looking at me.

"No I will not leave him alone with you. I don't trust you" I said to him standing infront of him. His face softened for a bit and a flash of pain passes through his eyes but the he turned his face blank and look towards my father.

"Fine" my dad said.

"No dad you can't-" I was cut off by my dad.

"It's okay bella. I'll be alright" he reassured me.

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