chapter 5

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I wake up to the sound of beep. I tried to open my eyes but it was of no use. Then I heard some voices.

"Doctor when is she gonna wake up? It's been three days" my grandma ask with trembling voice it seems like she is crying.

I have been asleep for 3 days. Where's my dad? Oh my God everything came in my mind how we got in an accident. Is he okay please God please let my father be safe. I can't live without him. I wanted to ask grandma about my father but I couldn't open my eyes I want to scream and cry out of frustration. I tried to open my eyes but this time I managed to open it but met with bright light which made me flinch. After some moments I was able to keep them open then I took in my surroundings to see my grandma holding my hand sitting beside my bed on a chair,she was sleeping. I tried to move which made her to open her eyes.

"Thank god you are awake. I was so worried, how are you feeling?" She said and then called doctor. He came in and asked me

"How are you feeling?"

"Dad.. where's my dad?" I croaked out, my throat felt dry.

My grandma passes me some water from which I took a sip but I wanted to know about my father more than anything. I looked at her with questioning eyes. She stared on the floor contemplating on what to tell me.

"Grandma where is he? Is he okay? Please tell me he is fine right?" I asked while muffling my cries that are about to explode.

"Please you need rest. He is fine, he has multiple injuries but he is out of danger" I sighed in relief upon hearing those words.

"I want to see him, please take me to him" I requested.

Doctor looked at grandma for her approval but she looked at me with troubled look.

"Sweetie before meeting him I want to tell you something. Just promise me you won't freak out"

Why is she acting like this? Why would I freak out if he is okay and out of danger.
I nodded okay.

"He took some harsh injuries on his head due to which he .... he .. is in .... coma"
She said and my breath hitched.

"What but you said he is fine. How ... he " I started crying uncontrollably. I didn't listen what my grandma said or what doctor said but I feel some sting on my arm and then I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up again there was no one beside me. I tried to sit up on bed, I.V was connected to my hand. I detached it from my hand and stood up from the bed. I started walking towards the door. I so badly want to see my father. When I was out, there was nurse passing by I asked her about my father's room, she tried to tell me to take rest but I ignored her and made my way towards the room. When I was about to reach my dad's room I suddenly felt dizzy and was about to fall when two hands caught me. I look upto see my grandpa he had a disappointed look in his eyes.

"What are you doing here young lady when you are supposed to be in bed resting"

"I wanted to see my father" I said looking towards the room. He sighed

"Fine. I will take you to him" he said holding my hand.

Once I get inside I saw my father with so many wires attached to him. That breaks my heart seeing him like that depending on life support. It hurts to see him like this.

"Dont worry he will be alright" my grandpa assured me.

"When will he woke up. I don't want to loose him too " I asked

"Doctors says he might be up in a week or he can take a year to get up. It's up to him when his body will heal and he will wake up but let's just pray for him he will wake up soon" he said giving me soft smile.

When I started crying he pulled me in a hug to give me some courage. I felt safe in his arms, I know my father is the strongest and he will wake up soon if not for himself then for me he have to wake up.

I stayed there for a day more than my grandparents force me to come with them to New York to their house my father will also be transferred to hospital there. I had no choice but to comply so we are now sitting in the car about to reach their house. I am so nervous, how would they think about me. From what I know in their house my uncle and his wife lives too,they also have a son and they are waiting for us.

As I was busy in my thoughts the car pulled up in front of a gigantic mansion. It was so beautiful and huge. I walked out the car my grandma came by my side and we started walking towards the front door. When we reached their we saw two couples in their early 40s and a cute kid about 10 years old which I think is my uncle's . When we reached there the kid came towards me with a happy face and introduce himself.

"Hi my name is sheldon kevinsky. You must be my cousin Isabella. How are you now? You are so pretty just like my aunt. I have seen her pictures..." He said all in one breath. I already like him he is so cute.

"Easy there tiger she must be exhausted from the long flight here. Let her rest and then you can ask her all you want" his father interrupted him and gave me a heartwarming smile.

"Sorry" sheldon said in return I gave him smile.

"Hi Isabella how are you? I'm your uncle edward"my uncle asked me and came towards me to give me a hug. It felt good to see someone who was related to my mother. She used to tell me about stories about them of their childhood.

"I am fine now and I know " I told him and gave him a smile

"Hello I am caroline your uncle's wife, welcome home" she said with a smile.

"Thank you" I give her a smile, she is so beautiful and we all got inside the house.

I dont know for how many days I have to live here but I hope it all wents well, My dad soon gets up from the coma and we will go back to our home. I dont want anything else, just want my father by my side.

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