chapter 1

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I woke up with my alarm blaring, annoyed I turned it off without opening my eyes. Then after some time I finally decided to open my eyes and met with bright sunlight seeping through my bedroom window.

"Arghhh why didn't I closed the curtains at night. oh yeah, I was busy admiring the stars and moon." Note the sarcasm.please.

I get off of my bed and went to the bathroom that is in my room and get done with all the necessities and changed into some Jeans and loose shirt. As I don't like to dress up I have so many simple and loose clothes. It's not like I hate dressing up it's just that what is the point in dressing up when you will have to spend your whole day at home. I made my way to the window to see the outside world, this is the only place from where I feel connected to the outside. I feel like I'm out there having fun, leading a simple life like every other person out there. From my window I can see a beautiful lawn of our neighbour's. They have a very beautiful garden there. In front our home is a road where I can see kids going to their school and elders to their work places. Seeing them like this I wish I could have a normal life like them where I go to school like other people's my age, make friends and have fun but ..

"Isabella! Come down princess your breakfast is ready." Dad called me from downstairs.

And then reality hits me that I am in my home caged from outside world. Away from everyone who exist in this world. Sighing I left my room and went downstairs towards kitchen where my dad is waiting for me. Like everyday we eat our breakfast together. I made my way towards my dad and greet him.

"Good morning dad" I said sitting on a chair.

"Good morning princess! Did you sleep well?" dad asked kissing my forehead and setting my bowl of cereals in front of me.

And then he sat infront of me on the other chair with his coffee, we talked a bit.

"So tomorrow is my princess birthday. What do you want for your birthday this time?" He asked smiling at me.

Oh yes I was waiting for dad to asked me about that and here it is. I am going to tell him what I want and he has to give me what I will ask him to.

"Dad I..."

I was about to say it but doorbell rang. And dad went to open the door. I waited there for him to come back so I can tell him about my wish. I heard Mary's voice, they both make their way towards kitchen. Mary came and Pats me on my head saying

"good morning my sweet bella"

I returned her greeting with a smile. She started cleaning kitchen and all the mess on the floor that my dad has made making his coffee. Then I saw my dad coming towards me and saying that he is leaving.

"Ok princess I have to go now. Work is calling" he said wearing his coat.

"But dad.. my wish you said you will give me anything I want" I told him.

"Yeah I know I am not refusing but I'm getting late and you can tell me once I'm back" he said with a small assuring smile on his face.

"But dad I.." I said thinking how to say it out loud and how my dad will think about it.

Dad sat beside me and said
"I know you will not let me go without telling me what is it you want so tell me what is it " I sighed

"Umm dad ... first promise me that you will not refuse it and its just only for one day"

"Have I ever refused before what you have asked me??" Dad asked me.

"No it's not like that it's just.. I just want to make sure you will say yes. So just promise me"

"Okay bella I promise but please don't ask anything that is impossible" he said chuckling.

I smiled and said
"No it's not something that is impossible. You can easily give it to me if you want to"

"Okay then " dad said

"Dad I... uh ... I " I stutter

"Bella please hurry up princess I am getting late" he said

I closed my eyes and try to calm my self so I will not stutter and can just say it in one go. I breathed out and open my eyes to look into my father's awaiting eyes.

"Dad I want to go out for my birthday in the town" I said in one breath and sighed.
Well it was not that difficult. I know my dad has promised me and tomorrow I will be able to go out and see this town where I have been living for past 13 years.


my dad said sternly the only word and stands up from his chair and goes out of the house to his car.

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