chapter 25

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Every thing was going good. We were having the best time of our lives. Mason has started coming again. Well that wasn't easy to force Xander to let him come but I managed it somehow. I had talked to sheldon too. I miss him so much and I had asked Xander to take me there to meet him and he said we will leave after some days. So now I want to go shopping to buy things for sheldon before we leave. I also have something special for Xander too which I have to tell him about but I am waiting for the right time. I don't know whether he will be happy at the news or not.

I was going for shopping with two bodyguard, Xander was busy in his meeting so he will meet me there. We were 15 minutes away from mall when my phone started ringing, it was Xander.

"Where are you? I am already there" he said

"You are already there, I thought you would be in meeting. We are on our way, I will be there in 15 mins" I told him.

"Yes it ended earlier, so I thought I would come here" he said

As I was talking to him, a car came in front of ours. We abruptly stopped. And then few men came out of the car and started firing at us. My bodyguards also starting firing at them.

"Keep your Head down Mrs.Knight" one bodyguard shouted.

On the other hand Xander was shouting at me.

"Bella are you there? What happened?" His voice panicked.

"Xan-Xander there.. men ... guns" I couldn't make a word out of fear.

"Shit.. listen Don't worry love I am coming. You will be safe okay. Do you hear me, I will be right there. Stay on call. Would you do that for me? Baby plz" I dont know what to say.

"I - " I started but was interrupted by scream when I look up I saw both my bodyguards dead.

"Xander they are d-dead" I whispered.

Someone open the side of my door and pulled me out I started screaming.

"Xander help! Xander "my phone dropped out of my hand on the road and that man started dragging me towards their car.

"please stop. Let me go" I shouted but he didn't listen then I felt a pinch in my neck and  I found my self drifting off. The last thing i saw was someon pushing me in car roughly.
When I awoke after sometime I found my self tied to a chair. There was darkness in the room apart from little light coming from the small window at the end. I started wriggling out of ropes but they were tightly bound. I tried for long but it wasn't of any use. I got tired and stopped my moment. I felt tears at the corners of my eyes but I swallow them, I will not cry. I know my Xander will come to save me. I just have to wait. I trust him

Suddenly door opened and bright light came in the room. I closed my eyes because of bright light. When I opened them again a figure came in front of me. A gasp escape my mouth when I realize who that figure belong to.

"You-" I couldn't make my self to say something else.

The figure in front of myself was none other than Mr knight, Xander's father.

"Yes me. Are you surprise?" He said.

Then one of his men place a chair in front of me. He sat on that chair facing me.

"Well you must have lot of questions going in that pretty little head of yours. Don't worry I will answer all of them. Ask away" he gave me a sinister smile

"Why am I here?" I asked him.

"Well I knew that you would ask this but I don't want to answer that.yet. you have to guess yourself" he said.

"If Xander know that you have kidnapped me he will hate you" I tried to reason

"Well he hates me already. It doesn't matter. He will be sad for a while but than he will come to understand what I am going to do is right"

"What are you going to do?" I asked in a low voice.

"You will know in no time."

"Its sad that how children have to bear the consequences of their parent's sins" he mumbled those words but loud enough for me to hear.

"What-what do you mean by that?"

"You don't know what your mother did to my little brother, don't you?"

"I know" I said.

"Good then you must know what I am talking about. Your mother hurt my little brother. More than than she hurt our family pride. "

"But your brother helped her. He let her go with his own will"

"Yes because he was stupid" he shouted at me.

"He didn't care for our family honour and let your mother elope with your father" he said distastfully.

"But I took revenge on her" he said with a glint in his eyes.

"W-what do you m-mean?" I asked.

"Dont you know who killed your mother?"

"Your brother murdered her" I said with hate.

"Oh no no my poor brother didn't hurt her. He could never do anything to her. After all she was the love of his life" he laughed at the end.

"But that letter.." I couldn't complete my sentence when everything got clear in my head and realization dawned upon me.

"You- you killed her" I accused.

"Well I will gladly take the honour" he bowed a little and then started laughing again hysterically.

"How how could you do this to her?" I screamed at him.

"You are bloody murderer because of you Xander lost his mother and I lost mine. I hate you. You should die too. I hate you. I hate you" I screamed and my tears started falling out of eyes.

"Silence" he bellowed and slapped me on my face. His slap had so much force I felt my cheek sting and blood oozes out of the corner of my lip.

"I didn't kill my wife, she killed herself. She was weak that's why she killed herself"

"You are a monster" I whispered but enough for him to hear

"Yes I am. At least I am doing this for my family's honour unlike my brother who was a coward." He huffed.

"Where is he?" I asked afraid of what he will say.

"He my dear is with your mother up in the heaven or maybe in hell. I don't care as long as he is not here" he said.

" you killed him"

" I had too because he came to know that I killed your mother and blamed it on him. He said he will kill me and tell our father who will take back my place as a mafia leader, I couldn't have let this happen so I killed him and told everyone that he went away without telling anyone"

I see no hint of remorse in his face, it was like he was enjoying everything. How can someone be so inhumane. I composed myself and asked him something which I know the answer of.

"Why am I here?"

"I know you know why you are here,now. But still I would tell you. My son always do everything against my wish and I had accepted it somehow. But marrying you, it was not acceptable at all. So I have to do something to undo his mistake of marrying you"

"So you my dear are going to die right here, right now" he said and stood up from his chair. A men came and gave him a gun.
He placed the gun on my head.

"Please don't" I would have never begged him if it wasn't for my baby. I can't let him kill me when I have my baby in my womb. I can't. I would do everything to protect my baby, if I have to beg for it I will beg.

"Please don't kill me. If you want I will go away from your son's life but please don't kill me" I said pleading him with my eyes.

"Its too late for that. My son will never let you go" he said. And I can tell he will not change his decision.

I closed my eyes waiting for the bullet to pass through my head. I am sorry my baby. I can't protect you. I am sorry Xander. Those were my last words before the bullet shot out.

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