chapter 11

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Is this some sort of a joke, that my life is pulling on me? When mason told me of Xander's uncle and his plan of killing us and Xander's plan of marrying me he left.
And my mind is running on full speed of what is the reason of all of this but I haven't reached to any conclusion. He didn't tell me anything else but it was enough for the day. I have to run away from here if no one is going to help me. I have to help myself but his warning. No you are not thinking about that? You have to be brave. He is a leader of a mafia who kills innocent, I can't marry someone like that. I hate those who kill other's like that I hate that person who killed my mother. At the thought of my mother tears started forming in my eyes. I still remember that awful day when I saw her lying on that floor with blood all around her. I often have nightmares about that incident till this day. I can't forget that even how much I want to, I just can't. I just want to meet that person once who killed her to ask him why he did that? The only question I always thought how could someone takes other life, did he feel any remorse or he doesn't care. As I was thinking, I didn't know when door to my room open and in came Mason with the tray of breakfast.

"Good, you are awake. Here have your breakfast ma'am?" He said with a slight smirk but his smirk vanish on seeing my tear stained face and my serious expression.

"Haven't you slept all night and why are you crying?" He asked with worry etched on his face.

But I dont want to answer him, if he thinks this is all normal and I will also behave normally like I'm a guest who is on a visit then he is completely wrong. Tomorrow I let my guards down because I wanted to know everything but I can't let that happen again. It's not like he will tell me anything else. He clearly told me tomorrow that he won't tell me anything else, it would be up to  Xander to tell me and I highly doubt he is going to tell me anything. So I will remain silent and conjure a plan to get out of here.

"Okay so you are going to give silent treatment" he said sitting on the bed in front of me but I look away from him.

"Its okay if you don't want to talk just eat your breakfast" I still didn't look at him. I won't touch their food.

"Hey please don't do this if Xander came to know of this he will be angry and you don't want to see that. He is merciless" he said pleadingly.

I want to comply in fear of Xander but something in me is not letting me to give up. Eventhough I have a feeling that it will not end well for me but I want to give it a try.

"Hey please don't do this I'm begging you,kitten" he said again but I am not looking at him.

"Look I'm keeping the food here. I have to go, I will be back in an hour or so. Just finish it please." He pleads again with so much desperation.

With last glance my way he went out of room. I look at the food but somehow I stood up and went to bathroom with my injured ankle. I havent eaten for 24 hours or more but I will not eat that's final.
He didn't came to my room whole day. At 6 in the evening door to my room opened showing one and only Mason. He has a tray in his hand which I know is for me. But I have to refuse that delicious food ignoring the fact  that I'm very hungry. I didn't eat breakfast and lunch which was brought by a maid, I told her to take the food out. At first she refuse to take it back but after my persistence she agreed. She was also scared of that 'scary guy',of course who wouldn't be. She didn't talk much with me but she gave me a friendly advice to eat it or else Xander will be angry. I dont care what he will do to me but I can't take food from my kidnapper. I will not say I'm not scared because I am. I am afraid of the consequences which he mentioned before.

"Why are you being so stubborn? I didn't take you as one" he sighed placing the tray in front of me. Again I refused to look at him.

"Look he will be here soon and if he knew that you are not eating he will be angry. Even if I won't tell him, maids will tell him. So please eat this" he said with hope that I will accept this time but I don't.

"What is happening here?" An angry voice breaks my train of thoughts.

"Why are you not eating?" He came towards me with rage. He uh.. seems angry.

Ofcourse he would be, everyone told me about that but as I'm confronting his anger I am scared as hell. His eyes are red due to anger, his face is like he will kill me. Okay, so mom I think I'm coming.

"No, she said she will eat. Dont worry I will take care of that." Mason told him which I know he is lying because I'm not going to eat and he also knows that. Maybe he is doing this to protect me from his anger. It sort of works as his anger starts lessening but as stupid as I am. I spoke up

"No I am not eating anything until you will let me go."

At my words his head shot up towards me and he has same anger in his eyes that was a few moments ago in them. He took a step towards me.

"What did you just say?" He said with his teeth clenched in anger.

I look towards Mason who shakes his head telling me to not say a word but me being me I do the opposite.

"I will not stay here and I will not eat anything that you will give me. I think I have said that pretty clearly" I said with newfound courage that I know will definitely put me in danger as I see the nerve in his forehead popping with anger.

"You know who I am? I suppose not or else you won't dare do what you are doing but believe me you will not want to know me. So just eat the damn food or else you will not like what I would do with you" he said leaning towards me his face few inches away from me, his eyes glaring into me.

"N-no. I said no" I stutter at first but managed to say the words. His presence is intimidating me.

He move forward to grab my arm tightly but then Mason intervened.

"Xander don't do that." Mason said but one glare from him he cowers away with his head bowed down.

"Out" he said to him to which he looks towards him with worry and then at me.

No no please don't go please please. Now I want to take my words back but it's too late and I dont want to sound weak. But he lefts without looking in my direction again.

"Now you, I'm giving you a last chance just eat or.." he said calmly still holding my arms tightly. That calm is more of calm before the storm.

"Please let me go, I dont want to stay here please" I said quietly.

It seems he doesn't like my answer because next I know is he throws the tray of food across the wall. It shatters and its content fell all over the floor. I flinched at the sound but he is not done here. He placed me on his shoulders, I started throwing kicks and punches on him but it seems it doesn't effect him. I screamed and shouted on him.

"Let me go"

"Let go of me"

"You monster just let me go" I screamed again and again.

My ankle has started hurting now because of hitting. I can see he is taking me down the stairs where I can see so many maids and guards looking at us. Mason also stood there with sad face. If he cares then why is he not stopping him. Everyone is scared of this monster. He move towards an another set of stairs which leads to the basement. Why is he taking me there. When we reached there it was so dark that you can't see anything the only light coming is from the door from which he brought me. Then realization hit me. Please no, he can't do this with me. He dropped me on the floor with a thud.

"You did the mistake of disrespecting me, now you will face the consequences and this is your punishment. You will stay in this room until you learn some respect" with that he turns to move.

"No please dont do this. I am scared of darkness. please I won't do that again, I promise. Please dont leave me here." At this point i am crying madly.This is my worst nightmare.

He stop for a moment which gives me hope but then he starts moving towards the door leaving me alone in the darkness of room and my worst nightmare.

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