chapter 13

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Its been five days to that incident. In starting when I was brought here I was scared of him but now I hate him. I know it's a very strong word but I really hate him. I never thought I would hate someone to that extent but he proved me wrong.

Five days earlier...

I woke up the next day in completely different room, there was no one their beside me. I tried to sit up, I was in a room which had grey and black walls. When I was busy noticing my surroundings. Someone came out of the bathroom and it was none other than the devil himself. Oh my god, I'm in his room. He brought me here but why? When he was the one who put me in this condition. At this moment, I only felt hate towards him the emotion which i have never felt for anyone but he deserves to be hated. As I was busy in my thoughts he came towards me, I move backwards snuggling in to the bed more. I don't even want to be close to him. Seeing my discomfort he backed away a few steps from the bed.

"How are you now? Should I call a doctor?" He asked me with his stern face but his voice was a little soft. I doubt he had ever smile in his life. I dont want to answer him, hell I dont even want to see his face for that matter.

"You must be hungry let's go and eat some breakfast" he said. Why he is acting like he is worried for me or he cares because I know this is all an act.

I was feeling so much anger towards him so I said the only words that came in my mind the moment I saw him.

"I hate you" I whispered but it was enough for him to hear it.

On listening those words he looks at me with an unknown emotion which I couldn't decipher. I was sure he would again lock me in that room but  he turn around and went out of the room. After some time Mason came in and he took me to the same room where I was in before. He gave me some fresh sets of clothes and then asked maid to brought me a breakfast. I oblige to everything he says because I don't want to go in that dark place again. It still gives me chill thinking about that place.

At present...

From that day I have been locked in this room even they have now kept the door unlocked but i don't want to go out because I know there are no chances of me to escape as this house is heavily guarded. I haven't seen him either, I am not complaining anyways.
The only person who came here is Mason and an elder lady whose name is Jenny she is the caretaker and also the cook. She is very kind and she brought me food sometimes. She reminds me of Ms. Mary so much with her caring nature. She said she has been working here for 30 years now, she is also that devil's nanny. Yeah, it's difficult to think that how a nice lady like her have been that devil's nanny. Mason has become a kind of a good friend, he apologizes for everything eventhough he shouldn't be. It's not his fault he was just following his boss's order. If anyone has to apologize it should be him.

Day by day I'm losing my hope of escaping but I have to try. I can't marry him if he thinks than I would say yes to him then he is highly mistaken. I had tried to talk to Mason about all this but he said he can't do anything, I can understand it's his job but if he is not helping me then I will help myself. A knock on a door interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Yes" I said.

"Hey, beautiful. How are you doing?" Mason came in with his charming smile on his face.

"Is this even a question?" I retort.

I know I'm being rude but what does he expect from me that I forget that I am here against my will and pretend that I am happy here. He realize his mistake and came towards me with a sorry face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that" he apologizes.

I know he is a nice person and he has a become a good friend but sometimes I can't help it. This is not normal, befriending with your kidnapper's right hand men. But again nothing is ever normal around me.

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