chapter 22

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I woke up to find darkness around me. I looked at my side to find it empty. I got worried. He won't go anywhere at this time that so without telling me. I stood up from the bed and checked in restroom but he wasn't there. So I thought of going downstairs to look for him. As I was descending down the stairs I got scared at the eerie silence and darkness around me. It felt like some thing is terribly wrong. I started calling for him.


"Xander" I called louder but there was no response.

I thought of going back to the room and calling him. I was about to go back when I heard rustling in the living room. I started going towards the living room.

"Xander is that you?" I called

But what I saw in front of me scared me to my wits. I screamed loudly. In front of me was my dad lying on the floor in his blood.

"Daddddd" I ran towards him.

Blood was oozing out of his stomach I took his hands in mine. I was crying hysterically.

"Dad please dad no! Please w-wake up" but he was not opening his eyes.

I look up to see Xander standing by the door.

"Xander please l-look he is not w-waking up. P-Please call doctor"

But he didn't speak a word, he kept staring at me.

"Are you not listening what I am saying. CALL THE DOCTOR" I screamed at him but he wasn't moving at all just staring at me with pain stricken face.

"What's wrong with you?" I yelled yet again but he was frozen like a statue.

I stood up and walk towards him. When I reached him I hold his shirt's collar in my tight grip and jerked him to make him come back to his senses but he only hiss in response.

"Please say something. You are scaring me" I whisper yelled.

"I-I am S-sorry" he whispered and then he started falling on me with his eyes closing slightly. I hold him tightly and then I saw it, a big knife in his back and blood oozing out of it, staining his shirt red. I screamed upon seeing it.

"NO! This can't be happening. I can't lose him" I screamed hard.

I felt as someone is shaking me and calling my name.

"Wake up tesoro, I am here" comes his soothing voice and I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me cupping my face.

And the next moment I sat up and clutched him hard in my embrace. That was so comforting. I cried in his arms and he silently sat there caressing my hairs and whispered sweet nothings to me. I cried until there's no tears left to cry. I move away from him a bit. I look at his eyes to already find him looking at me with concern.

"What happened? Why were you crying in your sleep?" He asked softly.

"It was just a nightmare" I dont want to tell him what I saw. Just by thinking of that dream I get chills down my spine.

"I want you to promise me something" I look at his eyes holding his hand in mine.

He nods his head motioning me to continue.

"You promise me that you will never leave me ever no matter what happens" I said as tears start falling again from my eyes.

He looks at me and contemplated for a moment than his face grows into a smile and he wiped my tears with his thumb as he kissed my forehead.

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