chapter 3

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I was sitting in front seat with my dad on the driving seat. I was looking outside the window entire way seeing everything new, feeling free and admiring nature. We were going to our grandma's farm house. We don't go there often just once a year. She doesn't live their either. She,my grandpa and my uncle lives in L.A. she only comes here to meet me and it is the place where my mother's grave is. I have never met my grandpa and my uncle, I don't know why they never came there but I hope to meet them someday in future. We are just about to reach there. When we pulled outside the house we saw my grandmother waiting for us at the front door with a smile on her face. I hop out of the car and ran towards her welcoming arms. I love her so much. She greeted my father and then we all went inside to the living room. Her farm house is very beautiful. She once told me that my mother also liked this farm house and always spend her vacations here that's why I like this place way more.

"How are you my sweet bella" my grandma cooes.

"I am fine grandma. How are you ?" I asked her sitting beside her on the couch.

"I am all okay now by seeing you" she said.

"Grandma can I go see my mother " I asked my grandma and looked at my dad.

"Yes sweetie go ahead" she said.

I jump off the couch and starts walking toward the back door to the back yard where my mother's grave is. I am going to meet her after almost a year now. When my mother's grave came in my view. I felt my eyes swell with tears. I look at her grave in front of me and sat on my knees. I touch her tombstone in which her name engraved "Rosalie brown ,a loving mother and a loving wife" I started crying, I miss her so much that sometime it hurts so much. I spend an hour sitting there looking at her grave and reminiscing our old moments. There are not so many memories of us that I remember but there are some that I can't forget ever. I can't forget her beautiful eyes that looked at me with so much love. I was cut of from my train of thoughts by my dad calling my name from behind me. He came by my side and wipe my tears from my face and sat by my side. We sat there for sometime just enjoying the silence between us. I can see how much my dad misses her, he doesn't say much but he still loves her that's why he never moved on with someone else. She was his first love and he was hers. Then we stood from our place and went inside to see my grandma on dinning table with so many mouthful dishes. I took my seat and my father sat beside me with my grandma at the head chair.

"Wow grandma they all look so yummy" I said admiring everything placed on the table.

"Oh bella these all are for you as it is my doll's birthday " grandma said .

"But this is too much. You didn't have to do all this" I said looking at her.

"Oh come on bella you deserve everything besides it's not that much. I wanted so much more than that. I wanted to throw a party and tell everyone but I know I couldn't " she said with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Its okay grandma, this is enough for me"
I said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay let's eat" she said.

After eating delicious food I went to my room that is on the first floor. I was lying on the bed after changing in to my pj's. I was playing with my necklace when someone knocked on my door and my grandma came in. She passes me a smile and I sat up. She came to me and sat up in my bed then I laid my head on her lap and she started caressing my hairs with her fingers. I love lying in her lap, she gave me motherly feelings that I so much wanted in my life.

"Grandma how was my mother?" I asked her.

For a moment her hand stopped but then she continued caressing my hairs and said
" she was so beautiful just like you. She was very caring and very understanding. We were very close to each other. She used to tell me her every secret and I always kept her secret" she stopped and was looking at the wall in front of us like she was remembering something from the past.

"Do you miss her?" I asked her.

"Yes I do miss her" her eyes got moist.

"Grandma why I never met grandpa? Doesn't he like me ?" I asked her the question which I wanted to ask for so long.

"No baby it's not that. He .." she stopped.

"Is he still angry with my mother?" I asked her.

"Yes he is. He loved her alot and when she ran away from the house with your father to get married. He changed, he never talked about her after that"

"Does he know that my mom is no more with us?" I asked.

"He knows, that day he cried in his room for his princess but after that day he stopped talking to us too. I know that he is hurt from inside. Somehow he feels responsible for her death."

"Why would he feel that? What he has to do with mom's death?"

"Somethings are better left untold" she said.

"But grandma I want to know how my mother died? Who killed her ? I always ask dad but he never tells me" I told her

"Because your father know what is best for you" she said.

I sat up on bed, now I was angry they all treat me like I am some fragile kid, for God sake I am 18 now. I have every right to know about my mother's death.

"Please grandma don't give me that I want to know. I have every right to, don't you think?" I said .

"You should sleep, we will talk in the morning" she said was about to stand up from the bed but the knock on the door interrupted us.

"Yes" she asked and maid came in.

"Mr.Kevinsky is here Mrs.kevinsky" she said to my grandma.

My grandpa is here, finally I can meet him.
I looked at my grandma to see her eyes wide with shock.

"Dont come downstairs until I say so. Do you get that" she said to me and started running towards the door.

"Grandma listen I..."

She doesn't wait and went outside closing the door behind her. Why is she so scared after knowing grandpa is here?

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