chapter 9

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I open my eyes only to see that I am in unfamiliar room. It was a big room with a queen sized bed in the middle, a couch sitting beside the window on the right side of the bed, two armchairs with a coffee table in between at my left side. There are three doors in this room, one I presume is a bathroom, second one a walk in closet and third is the one with mu way out. I stood from the bed and ran towards the door to see if it is open but to my dismay its locked. I am very scared at the moment, I am kidnapped by someone and today is my wedding. Everyone must be worried for me. Who would have kidnapped me and why would they do it, what do they want from me. Tears streamed down my eyes, I went towards the window to see where I am. I have to escape from here, I have to be brave for once in my life. I open the window and look down to see I am on the first floor, if I jump from here it wouldn't hurt that much right? I sat on the window sill with my both legs hanging out I look down again, no no I can't do this its quiet high I will definitely break my bones or worse might die. I was about to get off of the window but the door to the room opened I turn to see my abductor only to come face to face with the same scary man that was in the grandpa's house. His eyes still are as scary they were then. I gasped with shock by looking at him, he kidnapped me.

"What are you doing? Get the hell off of the window " he sternly said to me, his face held anger and worry.

" I w..wouldn't" I said stuttering on my words.

"I SAID GET OFF THE WINDOW.NOW" he said so loudly that everyone in this house can hear him.

I flinched at his tone, his tone held so much authority that I started getting off of the window but as luck is never with me I lost my balance and fell out of the window.

"ISABELLA" he yelled and started running towards me but it was too late.

I fell on the ground with so much force that I was sure I am about to die. My vision blurred due to the impact on my head,for a moment I couldn't feel anything it's like I'm numb. Then his face came in my view and some other people hovering over me but I couldn't make out their faces. He held my face in his hands.

"Are you okay? Call the doctor" he yelled to someone.

With that he scooped me in his arms after that I couldn't kept my eyes open and once again I welcome darkness.
"Doctor is she okay?"

"Yeah luckily she isn't hurt that much even after falling from that high. She has mild concussion and sprained ankle. Just let her rest for some days and dont let her walk. I am prescribing some supplements for her. She will be better in a week or so. If anything happens then call me"

I groaned and open my eyes, my head is still hurting. There were three man in the room.

"Good thing you are awake. How are you feeling" one man which I presume is a doctor asked me with a smile.

"My head hurts" I said touching my head with my hands.

"Dont worry it will be okay, you have injured your head and you have a mild concussion so you will feel this way for the time being. Here take these pain killers they will help with the pain" he said handling me two tablets and a glass of water.

I sat up and took it from his hand. I gulped down the tablet.

"Mason! take Mr.Grimshaw out. I want to have a talk with her" that scary guy said looking in my eyes. I shudder at the way he is looking at me like he will kill me with his bare hands.

"Be easy on her Xander" that mason guy said to him, then he looks at me and gave me smile and went out with doctor leaving me alone with this scary guy.

"What were you thinking pulling that stunt?" He sat on the chair in front of me and asked me with clenched teeth like he is controlling his anger.

"W-Why am I h-here? Please l-let me g-go" I whispered scared of his reaction.

He chuckled humorlessly,then he stopped and look straight in my eyes.

"You are not going anywhere from here anytime soon. This is your new home from now on. And also this is not the answer to my question" he said with his burning eyes gazing into me.

I couldn't look more into his eyes so I avert my gaze and started looking at my hands. I felt tears in my eyes at his words. But I won't let him see that, he will take me as a weak.

"You are not going to do anything like this again or else I will do something that you will not like and trust me I am a man of my words" he said with the same authority that scared me to the core.

"Why are y-you d-doing this?" I whisper lightly that I am afraid he hasn't heard me but he did somehow.

"I presented a deal to your grandfather but he refused it so I took what was mine by force" he said.

"What d-deal are you t-talking about and what it h-has to do w-with me?" I asked him still looking at my fingers, I just couldn't make myself to look at him.

"Look in my eyes when you talk to me" he said more like ordered.

"Your eyes scare me. You are scary" I didn't mean to say it but it just slip out of my mouth without my permission.

Immediately I looked at him to see his reaction, he must be angry that I called him scary. What if he hits me because of that but when I look at him he had a small smile on his face with a little bit of amusement.

"I a-am s-sorry. I didn't m-mean t-to say that-that. It just s-slipped out of m-my mouth"

" It's okay. I know I'm scary but no one ever had the guts to say that on my face but you, you little thing... I like it" he said smirking a little.

Is he mad? I told him that he is scary and he likes it. He must be crazy,right.

"About that deal,I will tell you later all about it but for now just take some rest. If you need anything mason would be here."

With that he went out of my room. A sigh of relief escaped my lips on his departure. He has a strange aura around him that scare you to the core. He looks like a dangerous man. What kind of deal he had made with grandpa that he refuses and as a result he kidnapped me. Please grandpa help me, I dont want to stay here.

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