chapter 2

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When my dad left, Mary came to me and puts her hand on my shoulder to reassure me but it wasn't enough for me. I stood up from my chair and ran to my room and locked the door before lying face front on my bed and cried my heart out. Why it is that difficult for him to let me out just for a day. I am not asking for something impossible. I haven't asked him ever why he didn't let me go to school or out of the house all these years, what is the reason behind all that. Because somewhere I knew he doesn't like to cage me in the house but have to do it and that's the reason I never asked him but I really want to go out to see how outside world looks, how being normal feels like. I don't know when I slept and woke up to night sky outside my window. I made my way to downstairs to see mary making dinner. I went to her and help her in setting table. I heard my dad's car outside telling us about his arrival. Dad came in to kitchen and sit beside me. He didn't say anything but then I break the silence, I don't want to see him like that.

"Dad I am sorry" I said with my eyes at the table.

He sighed and said
"No bella I am sorry. I am really sorry I have been keeping you away from everything but believe me I never wanted it for you. But how can I let you go out with knowing that you will not be safe out there. I... I don't want to loose you too... like your mom.."

I didn't understand what he is talking about why my life would be in danger, what it has to do with my mother. I want all answers to my questions.

"Dad what are you saying who would want to hurt me and why?" I asked him looking at him.

"Bella I.. I can't tell you " he said not meeting my eyes.

"But dad.." I started but got cut off by my dad.

"Bella you don't know how evil is this world and you are too innocent for it. You are too pure bella. I won't let anyone take you away from me. I had promised your mother that I will always keep you safe no matter what"
he said
I can see the desperation in his eyes. Desperation to keep me safe and to fulfill his promise to my mother.
I wanted to ask him more but one look at him and I know it won't be good idea. His face is telling me how much pain he is in. I don't know what he is thinking but I can't see him like that.
"Dad its okay I don't want to go out" I said.
"Let's have some dinner"
I turn around to see no one in kitchen. Mary must have gone when dad came.

My dad smiled at me with so much adoration and said "let's eat"

Then I went to my room to read some books as I have been sleeping all day and don't know when I dozed off with my book in my arms. I feel someone came in to my room, putting blanket on me and taking book out of arms. He kissed my forehead and whispers

"Happy birthday princess. Your dad will never let you hurt"

I opened my eyes to welcome a new day. It's my birthday and I am 18 now. With that I went to bathroom to get ready for the day. After getting ready I went to kitchen to find my dad with cake on the table and mary beside him. When he saw me he came towards me and took me in a big bear hug and wished me happy birthday. Then mary came to me and wished me too with her heart warming hug. Smile crept on my face and all my worries of the previous day fade away. My dad gestured me to cut the cake to which I oblige happily and cut the cake. After that me and my dad settled on the couch in our living room. Dad came to me with a box in his hand and I straighten up seeing the box in his hand. I know what it is and I wanted it for so long and finally I am going to get it.

"Bella here is your gift for your 18th birthday. I know you will love it and keep it with you for lifetime" he said with a big smile on his face.

I happily accepted it and opened it to find a beautiful necklace with a small pendant yet so beautiful with the letter R and F engraved on it representing my mother and father initials. I have wanted it since I had laid my eyes on it. This was my mother's. My dad said he will give it to me when I turn 18.

"Thank you dad. Thank you so much.
I love it " I said with happy tears in my eyes.
This was my mother's and now I feel I have something that will always make me connected to my mother. I hugged my father tightly to thank him. Once we separat he told me something that I was not expecting.

"Bella pack your bags we are going to your grandma's "

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