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5 years later

He was on his knees in front of a grave. Her grave. She had taught him so many things in life which he will cherish for life. He comes here once a month but with time he is now happy coming here there is no pain anymore. He is content with his life. The void that was in his heart is filled now. He still miss her. He wanted her to be with them. He wanted her to see him happy just the way she wanted for him to but he knows he can't. In past he comes here when he was upset but now he comes here whenever he is happy.

"I miss you and I love you " he said placing the bouquet on her grave. Then he stood up and went towards his car to his home. The word seems foreign to him. He never thought he would call that place his home but now he can because his happiness lies there. His bundle of joy.

He reached home and went inside to hear voices.

"Mom! I am not a kid anymore, I am going to be 5 in  few months"

"Yes you are. You will always be my little baby" she said.

"Let dad come I will complain to him" he said.

"Sebastian william knight you are threatening your mother" she gasped.

"Yes I am" his son said proudly.

"As if I am scared of your father" his beautiful wife teased their son. He smiled.

"Mooooommm" he whined.

"Ok ok I won't call you little baby anymore,big boy. Are you happy now?"

"Yes and I love you mom" he said

"I love you too my big boy"

He enter living room watching his son hugging his mom who was sitting on the sofa. His FAMILY.

"And what about me" he said going towards them. Both of them looked at his direction. As he reached them, he kissed his wife on her forehead. And pat his son's head.

"I love you too daddy" the kid said with a smile.

"But" he paused. His father raised his one eyebrow waiting for his son to complete.

"But I love mommy more" he said.

"Yes there's my boy" his wife said.

"Well I can't blame you I love her more too" he murmured but his wife heard him.

"Dad we made cookies today and they are amazing. We have some for you too. Wait I will get them" he ran towards the kitchen.

They both looked at their 5 year old son. When he went inside the kitchen Xander turned towards his wife.

"And what about you Mrs Isabella knight "
He teased her.

"Umm what?" She said pretending that she doesn't understand.

"Well you know what" he said coming towards her.

She started blushing. All these years and he still has the same effect on her as she has on him.

"I "



"Hmm yes" there nose slightly brushing.


"Ewww get away from my mom, dad. That's gross" sebastian came with the plate of cookies. This mama's boy.

They both turned away from each other.

"This kid" he murmured.

"I will ask you when you will grow old" he said to his son who came at the wrong timing. Isabella started laughing. He then looked towards his wife.

"I love you tesoro" he said.

"I love you too" she said.

"But I love my babies more" she said teasing her husband.

"I am slightly jealous but for my kids I will endure this" he smiled.

"And how's my princess" he touched her protruding belly.

"She is fine" she place her hand on his which were on her belly.

"I hope she would be daddy's girl" he said.

"She is. She loves you already" he was happy hearing this.

"How did it go?" She asked about his visit to his mother's grave

"It was good" he grinned and then they both watched their son babbling about his friends and how he will be the best big brother of her sister.

Xander still remember that day when bella was kidnapped but it was more shocking when he came to know that it was his father who kidnapped his wife. He never thought he would stoop that low. He comes to know of everything what his father done. That day a bullet was shot, not at bella but his father and he was the one who killed him. He had to do this for everyone who had suffered in the hands of his father. His father destroyed so many lives in his greed of power and to his insanity. He always hated his father but he never thought his father would be so heartless who would kill his own brother. But he knew in all this hatred, some part of him loved his father. He knew that the man that was left was not his father but some psychopath. He was in guilt of what he has done to his wife and that guilt made him like that. And he freed him from that misery.

The end

This is the end to this story. I want to thank every single person who voted for my story and commented. I am not a professional writer but just normal girl who wanted  to explore if she could write. I will not say that it is my best work but this story will always be close to my heart as it is my first story. Positive criticism is always welcomed but I will not bear hate comments. I am also of thinking of writing an other story with a strong female lead, she would have her flaws too. So if you want that story then please follow me so you would be updated.

And special thanks to my best friend who supported me throughout this story. Whenever I thought of giving up she was there for me and never let me do that. So thank you so much A❤💕


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