chapter 6

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It's been a month of me living here with my grandparent's. My dad is still in coma, I go to meet him every weekend with my grandfather or my uncle. They don't let me go alone, we always have guards with us but I don't understand why neither do I question them. I miss my old not so normal life where I had my father by my side. I was happy back then, sometimes I curse myself for wishing a normal life ,to go out of my house and look what that brought me to. It's not that bad here, I spend my lot of my time with sheldon, grandmother and aunt caroline. They all treat me so good but I still miss my dad. Whenever I go to see him I just can't stop myself from crying that's why they took me just once a week.

"Hey bells you are here I was looking for you everywhere" sheldon came running to me as I was sitting in the garden at the back of the house.

I smile at him and he starts pulling me up and towards the house.

"Hey where are you taking me ?" I ask him.

"Dad told to bring you inside they want to talk to you about something " he told me.

"Oh okay " I said.

As we make our way towards the living room I saw all of them sitting there my grandparents, uncle and aunt. From here it looks like they are arguing over something.

"How could you make a deal with them? You know what they are capable of doing?"
My grandma yells.

"Exactly I know very well what they are capable of" grandpa yells back.

"Mom only they can help us with this, I know they are dangerous but only they can provide us with the protection" my uncle said.

"Dad we are here" sheldon cuts in as my grandma was about to say something.

"Oh come here you two" my uncle motions us to sit on the couch opposite to them.

"You called me, Is my father okay ?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie he is fine don't worry" my aunt said.

"Okay so we called both of you to tell you something. Tomorrow we are having some people over at our home and we want both of you to be in your room. No one will come downstairs and I repeat no one." He said sternly.

I nod whereas sheldon ask the question which I wanted to ask but couldn't.

"Why are we not allowed to come downstairs. Tomorrow me and bells are having a football match in the backyard"

"The people that are coming are let's say bad and we don't want them to meet you both " uncle said.

"But dad you told me to stay away from bad people then why are you meeting them" sheldon asks his father.

"Sheldon just do what you are asked to do don't ask questions" my grandpa stoop up and said harshly.

Sheldon cowers towards me and held my hand tightly.

"Yes grandpa" he said meekly.

"Now both of you go to your rooms"

We both stood up and went towards our room. I go towards my bed and laid down on it. What is going on? What were they talking about? They are hiding something from me. I don't know why but I am having a bad feeling about tomorrow like something bad is going to happen. I will definitely stay in my room tomorrow.
I woke up with someone shaking me
" bells wake up come on we have a match" sheldon shakes me.

"Please go sheldon let me sleep" I snuggle in to my blankets.

He again started shaking me. I don't know how this little kid has that much energy in the morning.

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