chapter 7

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As I was pacing around the room in apprehension of what is going to happen now sheldon was sitting on my bed trying to find a good movie to watch, like how this child can be so chill about it. Here I am having an heart attack about how grandpa would react to us sneaking around. I dont know after looking at those dark eyes I am shaken, there was something deep in those eyes of that stranger. The way his eyes were scrutinizing me I just can't let it out of my mind.

"Come on bells just sit down, my head has started spinning by watching you. Just relax I am here nothing will happen to you"
He said.

"Sheldon how can you be so calm and why did you take all the blame on yourself. I was equally responsible even more as I am elder than you " I told him. I didn't like him talking all blame on himself, I couldn't say it out there but I will not let him take it all on himself.

"You are my sister and aren't the brother supposed to save their sisters" he said with his head held high.

I couldn't help but smile at his endeavor. I am lucky to have him as my brother but how I wish I have known him before. He never let me feel sad about my father or anything else. He is just 10 years old but he is so brave I am really proud to be his sister. The sister who is 8 years older than him but is a scary cat in real.

"I love you, you know that right" I said him.

"Yeah I know I'm the best and you are lucky to have me" he said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Come on I have found a movie let's watch" he said pulling me towards the bed with him at my side. I smiled at him and then we started watching the horror movie which he selected.

"Oh boy its gonna be a big scary night"
In the room you can only listen the voices in the movie and my screams. But it was surely interested for this little brat here he is laughing at me like a lunatic. As movie came to an end he started laughing more.

"What is wrong with you? What are you laughing at?" I asked with a scowl on my face. My heart is beating fast from looking at all those scary faces. But this kid here what he is made of.

"Oh my god bells you are a scary cat. Just look at your face" he said in between his laughs.

"Fine I will not talk to you ever again. I just got scared and you are making fun of me " I said sadly.

"Hey I'm joking okay. I didn't mean that, I am sorry sister" he said side hugging me with his small arms and I melted there. I can't be angry with him even for a second.

"Its okay but I'm never watching these types of movies again" I told him.

"Okay okay but you should be brave what if I won't be there for you and you needed me" he said sadly.

His words were making me think of how I rely on him now all my life my father was there for me whenever I needed any one and after him now sheldon and my other family is here for me. He is right what will I do if there will be no one for me. And these words coming from this little boy are making me more embarrassed how he knows that I will be always in need of someone. I should be the one saying those words to him not the other way around.
As I was about to answer him door to my room opened with my grandparent's and uncle and aunt entering the room. Sheldon and me both stood up. We were both ready to be punished for our deed but it never came.

"Sheldon go to your room son. We want to talk to isabella" uncle said.

"But it was my fault not her's..." he started but my grandpa interrupted him

"Just do as you are asked we will deal with that later" grandpa said

When I told sheldon to go only then he went out.

"Isabella baby come sit here" grandpa motioned me to sit with him on bed.
I looked at my grandma she was on verge of crying but was hiding it behind her fake smile.

"Look I know what I am about to say is what you are not ready for but believe me when I say that I'm doing this for you and your father's life it is true. I couldn't protect my only daughter but I would protect her family. So tell me do you trust me?" My grandpa asked me that question which I dont understand what is he saying my life, my father's life but one thing I am sure of is that I can trust this man here who is my mother's father. I can see the love in his eyes for her.

"Yes grandpa I trust you but I dont understand what are you saying" I asked him what is going on in my mind

"I know but you will soon. But promise me you will do what I will asked you to do. Just think it as my last wish" he said holding my hands in his large warm hands.

"I promise" I whisper those words.

I am sure that what he is about to ask will change my life completely but I can't refuse him. I have to do this for my father's life. From all of what is happening one thing is clear to me that accident was planned. Someone wanted to kill us like they kill my mother but they are not ready to tell me the complete truth and I will not ask them either. Everything has it's own time to happen.

On hearing my words his eyes brighten like he was not expecting me to say that. The relief was seen in his eyes.

"We have fixed your marriage, it will happen next week and I request you to accept that" he said those words that were enough to wake my senses.

What have I agreed to, I can't even say no as I have promised him.

"Just do it for your father" he said.

Upon hearing those words all my doubts flew away I have nothing to think about now. I have to do this for him.

"But don't you think I deserve some answers. What I'm getting into" I asked him.

"Just trust me I won't disappoint you ever. I am doing what is right for all of us" he told me with teary eyes.

I look at my grandma to see her smiling at me but I know right then and there something is not right. Something big is going to happen. My simple life is going to change and I'm not sure if I am ready for that.

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