Chapter 12

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After Lady Tsunade gave Yamato and Kakashi directions, They headed towards an Exit, where they only saw Naruto sitting on the ground, checking his equipment.

-"Helloooo agaaaain! seems like we're going on a mission together, huh?"-Naruto said waving his hand to his senseis, as he slowly got up.

-"Naruto where's Aiyama-sama."- Yamato asked as he got closer to Naruto.

-"she and Sakura will arrive anytime now, to be honest, I haven't even seen Aiyama yet, I wonder what does she look like, she's probably an old lady who can't protect herself."-Naruto said and placed a hand under his chin.

-"Naruto here they come"- Kakashi said.

When Sakura and Aiyama got closer, the boys took a closer look at her. She was not an old but a young, beautiful woman, with sunrise-gold hair and rapture-blue eyes. With a dainty nose and incredible pink, pouting lips. Naruto immediately fell in love with her and as for Kakashi and Yamato they didn't even show much interest in her.

When the girls got there Aiyama's eyes got caught by the tall, brown-haired man. she wasn't looking directly at him to not to leave an impression of some sort of a creep but was trying her best to really get a good look.

-"hi, you're all here, good, everyone please meet Aiyama Harusumi, Aiyama-sama please meet my friend Naruto, Yamato sensei, and Kakashi sensei."

-"umm...h-hello...miss...Aiy-ama!" Naruto stuttered and started to sway, where he was standing. His eyes were enjoying her beauty and wasn't able to say anything else or look anywhere else, also He felt kind of embarrassed for what he has said earlier though.

-"Hello everyone"-Aiyama said with a soothing voice and smiled-"I suppose you are the ones who will escort me right?"-now her eyes met Yamato's.

-"w-well, yeah, we'll make sure your trip will be safe"-Yamato said and smiled back.

For Kakashi who never experienced the feeling of being in love with someone and this thing with Yamato was still new to him, but wonderful, he felt emotions he never felt before after he caught a glance of Aiyama's eyes wandering around Yamato

-"why is she looking at Yamato that way?! Hold on a second, why am I even bothered by this? it's not like Yamato will go and date that girl since he's with me now...wait... i-is I jealous?!"-Kakashi was trying to figure out what was this strange feeling mixed in with a sprinkle of anger.

Kakashi didn't really like what was happening in front of his eyes, but at that moment there was nothing he could do, so he stayed as calm as he was able to.

-"If we are all ready, let's go!"-Kakashi said and started walking towards the gate, shortly followed by others.

-"this Yamato guy...he seems pretty nice, I wonder I I'll get a chance with him"-Aiyame smiled at a thought as she kept walking.

And so they started their 4 days long trip towards the village hidden in the sand. Kakashi and Yamato were walking in the front together, Sakura and Aiyama in the middle and Naruto was in the back, he really wanted to be next to Aiyama but couldn't, since Sakura told him if he'd get anywhere near her, she would punch him as hard as possible, which of course Naruto didn't want to happen, so he stayed in the back, far away from Sakura, all mad, with arms crossed, over his chest.

After 2 days in the evening, everyone was sitting around the bonfire. Sakura was talking to Aiyama, they were discussing some girls' stuff and time by time giggling quietly. Kakashi and Yamato were sitting next to each other, exchanging quick glances, and Naruto was sitting by himself enjoying his 3rd cup-ramen.

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