Chapter 10

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"Don't get too cocky sis." Corbyn smirked

"GET HIM MADELYN!" Daniel yelled. He smiled and started walking foward, making eye contact with Jonah letting Corbyn and I fight it out on top of them.

Corbyn started tickling me. my weakness.


Corbyn just started laughing. He laughed so hard he fell of Jonah backwards.

"YEAH MADS!" He reached up and  high-fived me. I stood up on his shoulders carefully, he wasn't sure what I was doing but he stood still just in case.

I did a front tuck and landed in front of him in the pool with a splash.

"Woah-" Daniel said, seeming mesmerized.

"You guys forget I've danced for the past 11 years of my life." I giggled.

"WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO?" Zach yelled like a child.

"A lot."

I got out of the pool and walked to the grass while the boys were watching. I did a side aerial and the boys were silent in awe. I sat down in the chair like nothing just happened. Meanwhile the boys were still shocked.

"Geez- I cant even do a handstand." Jack chuckled.

"Y'all just dont have the passion for dance to learn the stuff."

"True I've never really wanted to dance like that so." Jonah agreed.

"Speaking of Mads and dance... Guess what sis?!" Corbyn asked, getting excited.


"Guess who got you into a dance studio?" Corbyn asked, all smiley.

"WAIT WHAT??" I yelled and jumped up smiling, "YOU GOT ME INTO A STUDIO??"

"Yep." Corbyn answered.


"Monday through Thursday every week."


I basically jumped on him, hugging him. He staggered but didn't fall.

"Your welcome Mads." He was smiling and laughing at my excitement.

Then we realized it was almost 6, so we decided to go inside together and watch tv.
I ordered pizza and went and got in the shower and changed.

Dani knocked on your door while you were getting dressed.

"What is it with everyone wanting to come in when I'm changing??" I giggled.

"Sorry just wanted to tell you the pizza was here. You might wanna hurry before the boys inhale it all." He chuckled.

"Okay one second."

I finished changing and threw my hair into a bun, and walked downstairs.
I had on a hoodie you stole from Corbyn about a year ago and some black leggings.

"What are we watching stooges?" I asked sarcastically.

"Isn't there only three stooges?" Zach asked.

"Well theres 5 of you so I guess not." I smiled.

"OuCh thAt hUrt" Daniel blurted.

We laughed at Daniel.

I ended up sitting in between Daniel and Zach. Corbyn and Jonah were the ones on the other couch this time.

"Can we watch Harry Potter?" Jonah asked excitedly.


"This again?" I chuckled.

"Every time.." Daniel smiled.

"Shut up guys I think we should watch something funny." Zach suggested.

"Yeah me too."

"Im down."

"ugh fine." Jonah and Corbyn said, both crossing their arms jokingly and leaning back into the couch.

"Once a child always a child." I smirked.

"Your the fetus here so thats all you." Corbyn said, thinking he was slick.

"Thats not true im a month older then Zach so Herron's the fetus."

"AHHH YES THE FETUS HERRON" Corbyn said loudly.

"Don't make me bring out pictures of you as a fetus bean." I smirked.

"I'll shut up now."

"Smart." I smiled.
We all decided on watching Madea. After about an hour I got kinda tired, and tomorrow was monday, meaning I had my first day of dance since Virgina.

"Hey guys I think I'm gonna go lay down. I said quietly before yawning.

They said okay and I walked up the stairs.
I layed down, and scrolled through instagram, liking and commenting on the boys recent pictures.
Pretty soon I heard all the boys going to bed then Zach texted me.

Herron 😋

You still up?

Mads 💫
Yeah unfortunately 😑

Herron 😋
Why is that unfortunate? You get
to talk to me.

Mads 💫
Yes talking to Zach Heroin is the
highlight of my night. 😂

Herron 😋 
Well now that's just rude.
No need to be that way miss.

Mads 💫
Go to bed ya doof. 🤦‍♀️😂

Herron 😋
Night Mads 😎

I plugged in my phone, and set it on the bedside table. I was able to dance again. I fell asleep thinking about how tomorrow was going to go.

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