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Violet and Xander

While writing this letter I realized it would bring up a lot of memories for you two. Whether they are good or bad I'm not sure, but I know that those letters Violet wrote stuck with Xander for all those years, causing him to never give up and to keep pushing to find his love. Even today that letter is framed as a momentum of your love.

Alec and my love story seems so much more different to yours at the beginning but now I see the similarities. I felt the pain xander did, I felt the joy Violet did.

During this time I relished that growing up I never had a choice to put myself and others first and when I finally did I put my self firsts. I fell in love with a person who thought true love couldn't exist. Just like you did Xander. I put myself first and ran away to make my self better, stronger, to be a protector. Just like you Violet.

Sometimes I feel that was a mistake, I should have stayed and fought, I should have told Alec he was my mate at the beginning of that trip. But I didn't, if I did it would be much of a love story.

I'm pretty sure out of everyone here Xander is going to be the most disappointed that I chose to do this myself. I feel like he might even hate me if all the old rumors are true. Maybe hate me more since he found out that I asked Violet for a little help instead of him.
But the truth is , I think I know something, but before I say it I need it to be true.

Just know I love you. Both of you. And I love that goddamn child of yours so much.

Love you forever.
The Red Head Luna


A light growl left my chest directed mainly at my father. How dare he read the letter that she left for me.

"Wow, pipe down boy." Xander speaks up.

"She left that letter for me, the one for you and mom is on the dresser."

Curious dad walks over to the drawer and sets my letter down picking him up. He tore open the envelope and began to read the letter. Immediately he dropped onto the vanity sofa. His hand gripped the paper tightly and I witnessed something grateful I have never witnessed before. Slowly a tear dripped past dads eyes and slid slowly down his cheek.

Sensing the absolute change of emotion, mum got up to go towards my dad, removing the letter and reading it herself. I could see her smiling softly as she read my mates words.

"She is a grown women, she know what she is doing." Violet announces.

"She is also an idiot, to think that she needs to do this herself. She got me, she got you. I swear to the moon goddess if one strand on her perfect red head gets hurt." Dad exclaims scrunching up the letter and throwing it against the wall with too much force for just a piece of paper.

"First thing first I'm asking all packs to send scouts to their airports , their train stations. Shit even if I have to create roadblocks on every freeway I will." I state standing up and walking with my parents out of my room and towards the pack office.

"Why did I not think about that all years ago. Fucking roadblocks, there is no way she could escape those. Plus I think you should send pictures of her to all packs and make them show it to their pack. God knows if my son didn't know who the Queen was how would others no." Xander speaks up.

Immediately his words take me back to a place where we met. Her shining red hair, her cheeky smile as she teased me about the royal family. I was such a damn idiot missing time with her just because I was curious to life with Becca.

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