First day of college!!!

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This is my first book ever made so it might be trash. Hope you enjoy :)

Sykkuno perspective:

It is my first day of college I am excited becuase after this I am free to do my own things

I dont know who my roommate is yet but I bet that they will be nice!

All I know is that my roommate isnt toast or rae which is sad but I am glad I am going to make a new friend!

It is the first day and I am getting ready for that day. I haven't seen my roommate yet so I guess he is going to be late!

I wear my favorite green shirt and light blue denim Jean's.

I get bullied a lot here wich is sad but it is the last year so I won't have to deal with it later.

I go to my first class and I go to sit at the front of the class becuase I dont know anyone in this class.

No one sits next to me which is sad but it's ok!

Someone walks in and they have all black and there hair looks really fluffy not going to lie. Everyone looks at him and the
teacher says "your late"
The kid says "I know that"

I can see that he scanned the whole room but it is all full. He sits next to me and I get scared becuase he looks a little scary.

The teacher starts writing on the chalk board and people are throwing stuff at me. Not the first time.....

I just ignore it even though it is really hard to

All of a sudden the guy rips his paper out and throws it at the kid who was throwing paper at me

The teacher sees him and says "HEY dont throw papers around young sir"

He says "TELL THEM TO STO- never mind"

I am shocked at what the kid does and just stares at him. I dont say anything because I dont want to get in trouble but I will say thank you later for sure

After class ends we leave and I run up to him and say
"Thanks for helping me back there"
"Dont talk to me" is what he says
"O-oh o-ok"

I stuttered because he scared me not going to lie but I still want to be nice and thank him

He walks away and I just stared at him when all of a sudden I get grabbed by the shirt and slammed against the wall

"Hey Bitch" is what Dyllen says Dyllen is the biggest bully in the school.

I see the late kid turn around and looked at me. I think he is going to help me when he turns around again and continues to walk

I then get hit with the impact of the Dyllens fist against my face
He drops me then kicks me

He says "Bye Bitch" and walks away.

I go to my room and see someone has put all there stuff away.

I open the door when I see someone in the kitchen who is wearing someone sweatpants.  I go to say hi when he turns around and I see that it is the guy who came late. 

He says "My roommate is YOU?!?!"
I say "y-yep" 
He says "what happend to your face?"

I just walk to my room. I choose the smaller room becuase I wanted him to get more space and I didn't bring that much stuff.

I dont say anything to him and just change into sweatpants.

I heard someone knock and I say "i will get it"and go out my room and I open it and its rae!

"Hi Rae" i say
"Hello sykkuno and hello sykkunos roomate"
she waves her hand to him and he just waves back not saying anything

"She says what happened to your face DID SOMEONE BEAT YOU UP?!?!"

"No I just feel down the stairs hehe I am so clumsy"
I see my roommate look at me with a look that says "your lying"

"Ok but you should clean those cuts they look bad"

"Will do Rae"
"Ok bye I have to go talk to my roommate bye sykkuno bye sykkunos roommate!"
"Bye Rae"

My roommate waves his hand but dosnt say anything again

He says "she is right you should clean your cuts"
" I dont know how to...."
"I will help you follow me"

He walks into the bathroom and I follow him.

He is really tall so he goes on one knee and looks at my face
He says "this might hurt....uh...wait what is your name?"
"My name is sykkuno"
"Oh my name is corpse"
"Hello corpse nice to meet you"

He cleans my cuts then we go to sleep

Ok this is my first ever book so this is bad but I hope it wasn't that bad..... um well bye please vote if you like it.

Word count: 858 words

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