¤▪︎starting a YT channel Pt.2▪︎¤

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I WAS DYING WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT THEY MEET IN REAL LIFE. I can die happy now. Lol when I found out me and my friend died together. And everyones reaction was so funny. Sykkuno was flexing on everyone and it was so funny. Sykkuno even showed how corpse looked like......... in his head. Umm anyways hope you enjoy!!


Corpse perspective:
Today was the 22nd of December and I think I woke up around 8:30 I was laying in my bed when I thought that I should make breakfast.

So I went out of my room and made some pancakes for me and sykkuno.

I finished making them and ate mine sykkuno was still asleep so I just sat on the couch and was scrolling threw instragram and Twitter.

I saw sykkuno come out of his room so I told him

"I made pancakes, there is a plate on the table for you. "
I saw his expression turn into shocked and happy.

Wow he is so polite I could never

"No problem" I say

He is so cute. He is in oversized clothes and he looked so little and kawaii my heat melted becuase of how cute he is.

I continue to look threw my phone.

I think he finishes his pancakes and comes to sit next to me. He then says

"So what do you wanna do?"

"I dont know, maybe we should get to know each other?"

I ask wanting to get to know him more.

" ok we should start of with what we are good with. so our talents. I will go first so I am a good photographer. How about you?"

Hmm I never new he could do that maybe I should look for his instragram or something.

"I am good at editing and I can also make music"

I am very shy of my music but I knew and felt like I could trust him.

"Wow I didn't know you could sing!"

"I can sing and rap but I am not that good and I am very shy about it"

Do I not seem like a person who can sing or rap?

"Wait if I can record good and you can edit good we should start a YouTube channel for fun!"
Wow I would have never thought of that

"Hmmm ok but I might be really shy"
I couldn't say no to him and I have low confidence so that is why I said that

"Same here ok so we should call it like Corpse x Sykkuno"
Hmmm it sounded good

"Sounds good"
Wow that was fast

"We can split the profit if anyone even watches the videos. Do you wanna post a video today?"
I dont have anything planned today so why not.

"I didn't have anything planned today so sure" I say

"Ok what do you wanna do?"
He ask

"Hmm maybe we should spend a day in each other's room?"
That sounded weird but you know I am down for a challenge

"Ok! That sounds like fun!"
Hmmm I wonder if he is hiding something.

"Ok so I have a camera do you have one?"

"Yeah I do"

"Ok we should start now."

I just nodded in response. So we started the challenge.

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