~~~~Last day of college Pt.2~~~~

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I love this video. It is just so cute how poki tried to make sykkuno dance even though sykkuno is very shy. You can see when sykkuno is smiling he always tries to cover his mouth but since poki is holding his hand he can't so he always put his head down. It is just soooo cute.

Sorry I wanted this chapter to come out earlier but my mental health and health in general has been BAD. Also don't forget these last 2 chapter and going to happen on the last day of college I have decided to do a BIG time skip because I feel like this is when this scene or chapter would fit best.

(I don't really know if this is a trigger warning but I am just going to write it just in case.)

Corpse perspective:
I woke up with just me in bed, I didn't know where sykkuno was. Then I smelled pancakes awww sykkuno is so cute, hmm I wonder what time he woke up though.

I go to the kitchen and see sykkuno, I put my arms around him and I see him flinch at the unfamiliar feeling but then he realized it was just me and relaxes. Sykkuno then says
"Good morning corpse, I am almost done with the pancakes"
"Good morning sy, what time did you wake up?" I ask
"Not that early I just decided to make pancakes so we don't have to eat the weird breakfast food they have there." He says
"Mmmm I see" My voice is supper deep in the morning but it has gotten better and I can at least eat more food then I used to.

The rest of the time while sy was making pancakes I was just holding him. I didn't wanna move because I love being near sykkuno. He finished making the pancakes and we ate breakfast.

(Time skip to when they are done eating breakfast... I am to lazy!)

Sykkuno put both our plates away and we go to our room to change. Once I was done changing I come out of my room and see sykkuno holding his phone..hmm I wonder what happened. I then grab my backpack

Sykkuno then says " Corpse my phone is dead so I won't bring it becuase it would be useless"
"Ok love"
Once I said that to him he smiled, aww I love my bean sprout 🌱.

We head out our dorm for the last time for school. I liked this school year because to be honest I have no idea where I would be in life with-ought sykkuno.

We are walking to school when I ask
"Does Dyllen or his gang disturb or are mean to you anymore?" I wanted to know because I hope they learned there lesson
"No but I always hear them talking and laughing behind me during class"
"Ok that's good!"
"Because I want to keep my little bean sprout safe" once I said that sykkuno started to blush. I then begin to laugh at him.

We go inside of our class and I see Dyllen point at sykkuno and laugh. The teacher wasn't here yet so I decide to give them the middle finger. That is what you get for being mean to sy.

I didn't say anything about it. We sat in our seats and the teacher came in. He said
"Since this is the last day of college and we already did our test you guys can do anything. But just don't do anything that will get either you or me in trouble. Like just don't."

For most of the class me and sykkuno just talked. He was drawing and every once in a while I would complement it and say how he is such a good drawer. To be honest with you I didn't even know sykkuno could draw.

Class was over and we went out of class. I went to the bathroom and see Liam and Hendry following me hmm I don't think anything of it and just go to the bathroom.

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